Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Get EXCITED because we are "LIVING IN THE LIGHT"
John 1: 1-5
Ephesians 5: 1-2, 6-14


? Did you ever think that this is what we looked liked without light (Total DARKNESS?)

Did you know that darkness is the essences of nothing that can live? Darkness characteristics represents all types of sin, which is destruction, deceit, hatred, angry, bitterness, rebellion, lying, untrustworthy, coward, thief, backstabber, disobedience, and manipulator.

NOW, we have the LIGHT, the WORD of GOD that gives us LIFE!!!!!!
WE no longer live or look like the above

We know that in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. Which means that God is the light, the light take away darkness, so therefore, since God is the light, he spoke himself into the core of the darkness to bring forth his light which is life, for us to live.

Golden Text: Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children
The Greek word for “followers” means “imitators”

Question: As a follower of God what do you look like?

We observe how children imitate their parents, friends, and other adults, and in the same way as children of God, we are supposed to imitate our Father God. We are to study the ways of our heavenly Father and do the things that he did and still do today. God walked in and gave love, he forgives, protects, provides, comforts, gives, listen, encourage, pray, merciful, selfless and we should exemplify these same traits within us for one another. As followers of God, we will exhibit the same fruits of the Spirit that God is. We are to let our light shine so that when others see us, they see the glory of God on us. Wherever we go and whatever we are doing, we should be a reflection of our heavenly Father.

Living in the Light brings you happiness, joy, peace, love, stability, harmony, victory, calmness, integrity, wholeness, and much more.

God is our light to true eternal living here on earth and eternally with him.

When we imitate our Father, who gave His Son to save us, and walk in the light, we bring Christ’s light

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Praise God, Mary Christmas


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