Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

This Prayer Request is from a friend on (My Prayer Circle) name (Leslie)
this is the message.

A note to tell you all that I haven't been ignoring you. LOL I'm having some horrific attacks from the enemy through my husband. Please ask the Lord to ease my pain and fill me with wisdom from Him! Thanx

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Heavenly Father We AsK You To Look On Our Sister That She Shall Be Comfort Through This Time We Ask You Lord Jesus To Touch Her Husband That He May Know You Are His Lord And Savior And Your Word Is Eternal* Amen
Leslie You and your husband are in my prayers. Just remember the devil will try to attack on every hand. I don't know your circumstances but I do know that if God bring you to it he will also bring you through it. Stay prayed up and keep the faith.
I pray not only for wisdom but for peace of mind and solitude for you. I also pray for peace in your husband let him draw strength from you.
Be Blessed and know we are praying for you and your family.
Leslie, I pray that the Lord will surround you will His Love and that your soul is armored with the armor of God, (Eph. 6 - read the whole chapter). Also know that greater is He (God) with in you than he (the enemy of our souls) that is in the world. Also I pray that Your husband is covered with the blood of the Lamb, and that any areas of brokenness and or captivity be transformed by the truth of God's Love and Word. I pray that God will keep you both in balance and that no weapon formed against you or your husband will prosper -- and that what the enemy has meant for evil and means for evil for your lives will be turned to good for God's glory.

In Psalm 107 you will find strength, and know that He has sent His Word, Jesus, and healed you and your husband and delivered you both from even your own destructions, mind and emotions. In Proverbs 31 you have a key to your postion and authority. I pray that the anointing of the Lord will break any yokes that keep you captive -- And I agree with God's Word that Whom the Son sets free (your and your husband) are free, now, indeed!

In the Name of Jesus Christ, through the precious Holy Spirit, I pray in agreement with God's Word and Will. Amen.
A Jealous Spirit of the computer, to much time on the computer, and praying for people,that need you,The strong man has to be binded, and my prayers are with you, wisdom and Knowledge be unto you my sister, except God calls no one can come to Him, or understand His will or ways, Mercy and Grace , Seek the Lord with you whole heart and soul, show the love in deeded of Jesus, in you to and I pled the blood of Jesus, over you and your home, and the husband, God gave you, for the man shall find the women and when he do he fines a good thing, Trust God in this, and lean and depend on the Holy Ghost. Grace and understanding , what God shows you, love you with yhe love of Jesus, The Love of Jesus!. Let the husband loves his wife as Christ loves the Church!, Peace be to your house hold my sister, and Faith, and Love; Jesus loves you, and you love Jesus In truth and indeeded, Bless the Lord, honor and Glory be to our Lord and savior, Jesus, jesus, jesus;mercy my Lord, let the eye es of your understanding be enlighten by the Lord, feeling left out can bring all kinds of un needed spirits that are not of God,Speal Life into and over the household.,God bless you daughter of Zion; called by God,and chosen by Jesus.Thank you Lord , for your will will be done in my sister issuse, of this attack against her loving spirit, I ask In the Name of Jesus.
Well my dear friend, although I am chiming in like almost 6-months later from when you posted this prayer request I will pray for you and your husband as well too. Please keep me informed as to how you are doing.


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