Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the
Spirit. - Galatians 5:25


Holy God, Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus, thank You for Your gift of Your Spirit, who is alive in us. May Your Spirit guide our thoughts and mold us to be like Jesus in words and deeds. Pour out Your Spiritual and physical Blessings on our family, Lord. Keep tragedy and evil away from our door. Bring forgiveness and faith to our hearts, and the hearts of those we love, so that they remain Your family members as well.

Eternal Father, the heavens declare Your glory. The skies proclaim the work of Your hands. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their words go out into all the world. Thank you for calling us to be your children, and for giving us the right to proclaim Your glory and Your goodness. Even though we have not earned or deserved it You have washed us from sin in the blood of Jesus. For such a great gift we offer You our Thanks, Thank You Lord, Oh, Glory To God Thank You Lord Christ Jesus. We dedicate our lives to You Our Savior and our God.

Lord, we come to You today on behalf of all the Pastors and Lay People who work in our home mission fields, and around the world. Grant them courage, wisdom, and strength to proclaim Your Word faithfully and boldly. Give them joy in serving as messengers of Your truth. Most of all, Bless their message in the hearts of all those who hear. Create faith in those hearts through Your Holy Spirit. Thank You Lord that you have already done these things we ask, and helped our Mission Pastors and Lay workers to remember that You, O Lord, You have promised to make the word grow and bear fruit in the hearts of those whom You have chosen. Thank You Lord Christ Jesus, Bless that wonderful name of Jesus.

We Pray these things, Proclaiming Them Already Done,
In the Precious and Holy name of Christ Jesus,

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