Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


Northern India…200 Churches/Pastors threatened in next two days. This prayer request came to us early this morning. The details will be given in the prayer.

Father God, we approach You with the Holy Spirit inside our minds, hearts and souls…through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior;

Father You know all the details of this terrible plot against our brothers and sisters in Northern India…we are passing on what we know so our prayer partners can have as much information as needed for prayer.

As You know Father a Hindu terrorist organization known as the RSS (reja sena group) has been operating in northern India for years. They martyred our Brother, Pastor Paul Thangaiah in a car bomb explosion in 2002 in the city of Orrisa. Also martyred was Brother Stanes a missionary fro Australia. His wife, Sister Gladys Stanes subsequently publically forgave the terrorists…as a result many Hindu people came to Christ.

Father this is a very well organized group of terrorists. Sister Mary in India informs us that the RSS has announced that they will attack 200 Churches and their Pastors in the next 2 days.

Father God we humans are not capable of understanding the greater picture. We do know that You do not cause evil things to happen (James 1:13) but You do allow satan to operate temporarily as the ruler of this world to prove that we humans were never meant to govern ourselves…we have tried (out of our own stubbornness, under the influence of satan) for thousands of years…we know You are giving us time to prove to ourselves, through history, that all forms of human government become corrupt…Your Theocracy, not Democracy or any other form of human government is the only government that will last.

Father God, if it is Your Will, we ask that this plot be foiled. We ask that by supernatural means You cause their electronic and mechanical and any other devices and materials to fail.

Father God we are praying these things to Your Glory…as a witness of Your Rulership and as a testimony of the Love and compassion we have for our brothers and sisters in Northern India.

If it is in Your Will Father we pray that our brothers and sisters be spared injury or death. That the Churches be protected. We pray that the terrorists come to see You as their God and Master.

Father we pray that You pour out Your inspiration on our brethren in this region that they will act with Your Discernment…that they will know the safe ways to go about their daily lives. Father we pray that You comfort and guide these brothers and sisters. Replace the enemy’s fear and confusion with Your Confidence and Clarity of thought. Father we place a hedge of protection around these brethren, the Churches and all those who will come to You. We bind the enemy by Jesus authority…that he has no influence in the lives of our brothers and sisters.

Father God we place everything into Your all knowing hands. Our love and trust for You, our faith in You.

Father God, it is Scriptural for us to pray for our leaders; we pray that the authorities responsible for security in this matter be given an extra portion of Your discernment that they might ferret out these perpetrators and foil their plot.

Above all Father God, we pray that Your Will be done…as a testimony to our love and faith in You…not matter what, our faith and the faith of our brothers and sisters will be strengthened, our bonds in the Body of Christ will be made stronger, fulfillment of the Great Commission will be closer at hand and we know this is all part of Your plan regarding the Scriptures in Revelation Chapter 21.

We pray these things through Jesus the Christ and our Lord, with the Holy Spirit inside our minds, hearts and souls…to the One True God…the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. AMEN and AMEN…Your Will IS done

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