Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

My wife Sarah left me in Miami, went back to Kansas City, and wants to divorce me. Because of the pregnancy the divorce is postponed till december after our son is born. She wants to fight me in court for custody if I dont go along with adoption. Pray that her relationship with some guy named Gino will end. Blood of Jesus wipe away ALL plans of the devil off of Sarah's mind, body and soul in Jesus name! Pray God will speak to her, send her people & angels, melt her heart and open her eyes to the truth through the Holy Spirit in JESUS NAME! PRAY for a MIRACLE and that we will be reunited as husband and wife JESUS NAME!!!

p.s. NO PROPHECIES! Please do NOT prophesy bad things to me! I'm asking for prayer for my wife Sarah. Prophet Jeremiah told King Hezachiah he was going to die and King Hezachiah turned his face to the wall and begged God for mercy. God granted him 15 more years of life.

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PLEASE keep praying for Sarah. Thank you all for praying for Sarah to turn around. She needs a damascus road experience. Paul needed that in order to turn him around. I have no doubt that it is the same here. I still have not seen my first child - newborn Tristan yet but I know God is Faithful. I have heard of marriages 10 times worse than this being miraculously restored at my church. Im JUST saying- its not impossible with God.

God hears the prayers of His people. I KNOW that He will do a Miracle here someway, somehow and I Thank the Lord for bringing me out of this situation ahead of time. NO weapon formed against me shall prosper. NO jezebel, generational curse, adulterous man, bipolar or anything on this earth can STOP the power of GOD from transforming her in JESUS NAME. AMEN!
PLEASE ALL KEEP PRAYING FOR A MIRACLE! Thank you for praying for Sarah and I. Im trying not to go against my wife in any way but I have to get an attorney now to defend myself. She filed an uncontested marriage dissolution and there is a hearing on Jan 6th, 2010. I cant agree to anything there because of many reasons obviously considering my son but also Im not even working right now so child support cant be based off of my last job.

I have received NO notice in the mail or anything! The only reason I found out is by going online to the missouri court system. Im guessing she's trying to take advantage of the "wavier of notice" which was only there before from when there was no notice of a child according to the previous papers. Not trying to talk bad about her or anything but Im just stating facts so that I have to make sure to be smart and not just let things go. My son's life depends on the truth and my Love.


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