Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Greetings prayer warriors

I am asking for special prayers for my brother Tom who suffered a anerysym last year that resulted in him having a stroke. He is a fighter and is holding his own through the grace of God. He is my best friend and I am trying to deal with this situation as I also am a caregiver of my handicapped daughter as well. I know God will not put anymore on me than I can bear but the devil has been busy in our family. I also ask for prayer for my niece who is only 32 and was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. She is in good spirits and I know God will see her through. When things like this happen in a family it can either bring a family together, or apart if you know what I am saying. I pray for strength not just for me, but for my entire family who is going through it. I ask for special prayers for myself as I suffer with stomach issues due to stress and the feeling of being alone. God is good all the time and I thank him for all my blessings that he has already bestowed upon me, and also the unseen.

So to all my prayer warriors out there, please keep myself and family in your prayers. I know as prayers go up, blessings come down!


Peace and blessings



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amen sister stand fast in your faith and trust in God...

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Guardians Tag Ministry
Thank you Sis!!!

Adrianne, I do pray for you, that you will continue to cast all of your 'cares' upon God, who will tenderly take care of all, and I pray for the peace of God to guard your heart and keep your mind in balance during the challenges that come your way.  I pray for Tom, that he cry out to God through Jesus Christ, and receive the wholeness and healing that Jesus paid for on the Cross, and that includes freedom from any 'traditions' or emotional/sensing connections to any non-belief of God making a way out of no way in his life.  

I pray also for your niece, that she keep her eyes on God, and ears open only to the Holy Spirit to hear the comforting, healing words of God through Jesus Christ.  I agree with you, and where 2 or more are in agreement - Jesus is there praying with us - and so we speak to the mountains of 'physical harm' and psychological control and say BE THOU REMOVED AND CAST INTO THE SEA OF FORGETFULNESS - BE GONE - and as Jesus is Lord of all and praying with us, every knee must bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! 

I pray for your daughter and confess the blood of the Lamb of God (Jesus) slain from foundation of the world, cover her and the anointing of Christ surround her and keep her safe - for her good and God's Glory!  God has stated in His word that NO WEAPON formed against you (or your loved ones) will prosper - because what the enemy meant for evil - GOD will TURN TO GOOD.  In Jesus' Name we pray, and every knee bows and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord!!!!! - Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen = 5 = GRACE!

Amen!!!!   Thank you so much sis for your words of encouragement. I feel God working his miracles because today I was able to get out of the house and breath some of that fresh air, as I was so used to staying in that it was becoming a everyday thing and I was using my daughter as a cushion as to why I could not leave. God spoke to me today and I listened as he told me to send my daughter to her day program, and for me to get out of the house. God is such a awesome God and through all my trials and tribulations throughout my life, he has made me the strong woman I am today. Praise be to God!!


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