Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

My best friend is facing problems with her current dating life.
For starters he is not Christian, he is muslim. Everyone 'even me are telling her to let him go.
But she says that she is ready to commit with him... Is this right?

They really love each other.

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 praise the LORD JESUS CHRIST inside my spirit  it look like she need to let the man go The Word of god TEACHES US" DO NOT BEUNEQUALLY YOKED TOGETHER WITH UNBELIEVER .For what has fellowship has rightousness with lawlessness? AND what commmiuion has light  with darkness"  2CORINTH: 6:14 IN other words two things will happen in this (1) If she strong in THE LORD JESUS CHRIST she shall win him to CHRIST or (2) he GODFORBID GODFORBID turn her around. Christ loves your friend and want her to himself
Point one is really good, hopefully point two will not happen.
 if she willing to listen to wisdom shall guild her thru she must read all the BOOK OF PROVERB to get GOD"S WISDOM and seek GOD HIMSELF GOD will not go against HIS WORDS the answer what i feeling inside my spirit is NO

NO as in , not to go with him right.


Hello My Sister in Christ

God teaches us to love everyone, but he also teaches us to come from amongst them be ye separated. So if she cannot teach him the christian belief and let him seek god for himself and get him to become a christian, than he will try to convince her to become Muslim.

Yea thats really true, I even spoke to her about it, But she said that he and he's family are convinced that they won't change her, nor she changes him... The boy has this rare type of heart disease, so from my guessing he's mum, is really over protective over him and she doesn't minds if her son settles for any wife as long as she loves him, for him.

Truely speaking he treats her with so much respect and love, I have never seen anything like this before''. I think thats why she is positive that he's all she needs.

My prayers go out for her, I hope she won't be making a mistake.

God bless you all'

thanks for your advise...

Still thinking , but there is nothing more better then to leave it in the hands of God.


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