Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

My wife Sarah left me in Miami, went back to Kansas City, in march 09' and divorced me a few weeks ago on August 2. We have a 22 month old son, Tristan. Please pray for Tristan's protection by the blood of Jesus. Please pray for JUSTICE for my son & I in this situation. This divorce is completely unbiblical, demonic & evil. Pray for Sarah's TRUE salvation, deliverance from demonic/lies, complete conviction, and forgiveness towards me. Pray God would send her angels & workers and show her that adultery & divorce are wrong. Pray that evil influencing men & friends would be removed from her. Please pray against/that she will STOP talking to these so called Christian guys she is flirting with: Alex (Sarah told me this man Alex would take her & my son somewhere safe if there was a national emergency). I may contact my lawyer about that one. It is not good for my son to grow up around adultery, possible kidnapping, and possibly natural disaster judgment God has shown me coming to America. Pray Sarah will move back to Miami. PRAY FOR OUR MARRIAGE TO BE RESTORED IN JESUS NAME! PRAY FOR A MIRACLE! Pray that the divorce papers will somehow be destroyed by a tornado or something thus delaying/canceling everything. Nothing is impossible for God. The pain is almost unbearable at times. Please plead the blood of Jesus over me and all of this.


UPDATE: Amazingly Sarah had a long convo. with me about everything a few days ago. She sounds convicted but it’s coming out in severe anger towards me. She says I never tried to seriously reconcile with her. She doesn't believe me that I still have the rings when I told her. I still Praise God for her even allowing herself to vent/discuss this with me for the first time in over a year. She has been a lot nicer at times but it is still a battle vs demonic evil. Please keep praying till every wall of Jericho comes down! Sarah just lost her job and this may be something God can use to bring the prodigal home but she has to stop the disobedience and truly be completely chastened like the prodigal in the story.

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I'm also really worried about my friend Michael who's going through something similar. His wife Lidia just took off with his son Phillip and some other guy to Washington. He texted me saying he was suicidal. So much to pray for up until Jesus comes and I have no doubt He is on His way.



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