Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


My request is for my son, Frank, who is disabled and has no income. He is either fighting Lupus or Chron's or both. He goes in for testing soon for the GI stuff to see what they find for Chrohn's. He also has a degenerative neck and the pain in his upper back is tremendous. He also had surgery on his left hand, the doctor thought it was carpal tunnel. After surgery, the doctor told him that it is not carpal tunnel; it's something else, and he is not sure what. My son looses his ability to use his hands at times.

Today a grown, 31 year-old, 6ft 5in football guy, is crying his heart out. He can't stand the pain anymore. My brother committed suicide when he finally reached the end of his rope, and I know that my son won't do that, but, I don't want him to have to deal with stuff that makes him think it's a good idea. The last thing he deals with, and you aren't going to believe this, but, it is true...he has agoraphobia. It runs in my family, my uncle, my aunt, even myself has dealt with this...I won't be able to go on if anything happens to my son. I know I won't live. The pain will kill me. He can't work, and we are subsisting on my disability check. That doesn't go far.We want to move. So, that is another prayer request. We need out of here, but, we don't know where to go.

Please put us on your church's prayer chain. We desire that Jesus be the one we turn to and hear this request. My son and my self are both Christians and we do love Jesus. And we pray and read the Word.

My request is for strength to handle this stuff, healing for him, good doctors to assist in that and a new place to move to. He also needs a diagnosis as to what is wrong, so that his attorney can address the social security disability judge soon. Boy, this is enough, isn't it?
Please stay in touch with me



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I'am Praying For You Sis And Your Son My The Precious Blood Of Jesus Surround You & Your Son In Jesus Name I Pray Amen*
My prayers are with you Annett Jimison;and your son Frank ,that God gave to you before he was even formed in your womb, zgod is so good an so faithful isn't he? He is blessing you and Frank to come into His presences, and deeper into His love, I will, walk in agreement with you as you have written out what you want, I pled the blood of Jesus over you and your sdon from the crown of your head inside out to the soulsof your feets, and I speak Life in to Frank's spirit by the holy spirit, All things work together for good, to them that love the lord and who, are called according to His purpose, I bless you and Frank in the Name of Jesusd, you be strong in the lord , and speak into your son Life and healings and Jesus love us regardless. His love is unconditional. Be bless for you are blessed, to be a blessings my sister, Stand, in Jesus, I to thought, I wouldn't make it if my son left me, also, I'am still here, standing with jesus, my all, my life is His, and what is the case, what ever it may be Stand, on the aWord for God;has the final and the first say, and everybody and thing you need is on the path, I love you and yours with the love of Jesus, say Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Grace and Love be with you .Praise the Lord,


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