Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

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Lord, prayers lifted. Roads are rough these days...roadblocks of division and differences are set up...even within ones nation of people...Lord, Your strength alone...only...can remove them. Our hearts reach...but it's only Your love that will touch. Lord, many are searching...for answers, truth, purpose...but they look in too many directions. Many look back....many look ahead....Lord, may Your peace rain down upon these children as they question and search. Lord, there is only one the end....You tell me it is narrow....and sadly few will find it. Lord, prayers lifted for the lost. Lord, prayers lifted for Your children in You...that You use them mightly as a Shephard to guide and direct the lost back to Your path. Lord, as the drums of time beat...may we hear it from our hearts and keep in step with Your message. The message of unity is getting lost. Prayers lifted Lord for those who are choosing to walk away from it. Lord, You tell me seek...and they shall find....why do so many walk away after finding and then continue on to seek for something else? As the days continue to grow's Your light that they will need to see them through... to see the narrow path. Lord, it's hard for me to understand. In You Lord only...I truly trust. "E-me-nv" ( ay-may-nuh ), which is Cherokee for "Amen".

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Lord, the road is not easy...earthly. I have one side of the path that tells me to respect my elders as far as my faith in Christ. They do not want to hear it....Lord, I have the other side of the path...because of my heritage...questioning how could I be a Christian. Spiritually Lord, I have Your light b4 me...I have Your whispers in the winds telling me to press on. I have You within and throughout my being. Lord, I pray....lift me higher.


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