Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Grace and Peace everyone,
My niece Shante' Sade Griggs is getting hooked up with the wrong
people she is smoking weed and you know that will lead to lots of trouble
both her parents are recovering addicts and they are worry about her
behavior. She is eighteen years old and heading for trouble. Please lift
her up in prayer that the LORD would have his way. She is not saved or
attend church any more but her mom does Carol. Her dad is David Griggs
and his is in prison.

I thank you in advance.

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My Prayers are with Shante's Sade Griggs, that the seed be planted and the water and the increase will come by God, and I send mercy and Grace on her path, and i pray Now the Lord will open her ears, to hear Him, right now, and that the Spirit wil lead her to the Truth and she will see the devil for who he is, I call her now to turn. I claim her for the Kingdom of God, Paid in full, by Jesus, and I put under arrest every evil spirit, that has lied to her,on thispath, that God will get the Glory, Right Now,In Jesus Christ, I pray, Be whole , and be saved,thanking you Lord for what you have already did,in this daughter's life ,Amen,p.s Bless her family let them hold on to their Faith in you Lord, and see you in the mist of this issue, Yes Lord,I call it done, and I call her into the Love of Jesus.


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