Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Dear Family In Christ,

I want to thank you all for all of your prayers, support and encouraging words. I am sorry that it has taken me so long for me to respond. I have been dealing with the school , the doctors and the job. Yet I know that the prayers of the righteous will not go out in vain and whatever we agree upon in the Name of Jesus will come to pass.

Please accept this prayer of appreciation from my heart and from my family.

Father God, I thank you for my praying friends, I knew they would be ready to do battle in prayer for my family. I am sure that not only did they pray for me but they fasted and prayed!!! What dear and loving friends you have placed in my life. I Thank yo for everyone of them. More than once have I noticed that they have answered the call for help and for prayer. How precious are our praying friends. Father they truly make up your Kingdom.

Thank you for hearing each earnest prayer and answering according to your Loving will. I know that these Prayer Warriors are a pleasure for you to watch and hear.

Lord I pray that you bless each and everyone of them in all that they think say and do. That they are filled with the knowledge of your will and walk in all wisdom and spiritually understanding, that they continue to walk worthy of you Lord. Fully pleasing you and being fruitful in every good work and increasing in strength, with all might according to your glorious power.

Lord bless them in thier comings and goings, in everything that they may ask or even think. Cover their family and friends and establish them, Protect them with your arm of protection and provision, that they lack no good thing.

In Jesus Name Amen

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