He is coming back for His people. All people as "One Body" in Christ.
Not a people separated by differences, but a people unified in Christ. Not a people separated by prejudice, but a people unified in faith. Not a people separated by bitterness, but a people unified in Love.
The Bible tells us that the Creator God created us ALL in His image. This means we should stop living by our own emotions and start operating in the Love of God. Instead of stumbling over differences which separate us, we need to look to the One that brings inclusion which is Jesus Christ. For it is He that separates the "wheat from the weeds" at harvest. He is the only one that can bring us together where we have grown so far apart.
As a nation, we need to tear down the walls that stand between us, and replace them with the hand of fellowship. We must replace the hurt with forgiveness and mend the wounds with unity.
"Oh Great Spirit God, we ask that you give us direction on the path of life. We ask that you lead us to where YOU want us to go. We ask that you heal our hearts from ALL bitterness, from past hurts, and place in our hearts forgiveness. Great Spirit God, bring us together in the unity of your Son Jesus who is OUR healer...Amen"
Rev. Dann "StrongOak" Dear