"I only want some’ constructive' 'intelligent' ideas about our fiscal, and government problems." Is that all I only want? Does the enemy think they are doing anything wrong? What are the problems? Destructive behavior is destroying "OUR" Nation Father and no one seems to care. Do they really believe in You and are You the center of their life? “BE”ing Hallowed do we think what we are doing is the right and only smart thing to do when they don’t do it “OUR” way? You create in us knowledge to know who You are and what You are all about in Your plan is for us. How constructive and creative can we “BE” to do differently? Either You are “OUR” Father or we are a product of “whatever”. You give us intelligence to know the warfare is not between flesh and blood people but that the spiritual warfare is going on in high places. We have Your Word on it. We can read the end of the story and we win. What more can we do? Forgive us for setting “OUR” own agenda. It is not all the other party’s fault. We point a finger and three point right back. Yes, we are the guilty ones for trying to push back. Can we ever learn to let go and let You overrule in “OUR” hearts and minds? What’s so wrong in letting You “BE” king? We’ve tried everything else and it is not working. Lead us not into the terrible terror of those who know not what they are doing will destroy us. “OUR” trust is in You and not in men. Your power is not in the people but in You to deliver us from this evil one. Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.
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