Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Staying full of the oil of the Holy Spirit is a key ingredient to living a victorious Christian life. Most car owners know that if they drive too many miles without changing the oil in their caars, the oil loses its usefulness as a lubricant and detergent for the engine. You see the motor oil cleans out impurties in the engine dirt, grim, and microscopic pieces of metal and the material and helps keep it running smoothly. Spiritual speaking there are many people who receive the Holy Spirit years ago, but they haven't had an oil change since. You know every so often, so to speak. Now the oil i'm talking about here is the oil of the Holy Spirit.

The Lord gave Moses specific instructions on how to mix the oil and how to use it (Exodus 30:22-31). Acts 2:1-4 tells us that when the 120 disciples gathered in the upper room on the day of pentecost they received the Holy Spirit. If you let the oil of the Holy Spirit run low in your life, you'll find yourself operating less effectively in life than you should. For example, you'll be gripping and complaining instead of rejoicing and praising God. You'll also find that your love walk will be on the blink. Keep your oil changed and keep the prayer room busy. It will take the drag out of your walk, and put a bounce in your step. It will put a song in your heart and a smile on your face. That's what the power of God does, it revives your spirit.

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