Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

There have been many atrocities done to others in the name of religion, but that's not God's fault. It's mans wrong interpretation of the Bible. God can't be blamed for the wrong actions of others. He didn't make them do it. Christians are often seen as "hypocrites" because we don't follow the Bible fully. Once we become Christians we aren't perfect. We try to live by the Bible's teaching but sometime we fail. But God knows our hearts and he can forgive us. It's never too late to accept Christ as your savior. There is no sin he can't forgive, except as it is writtennin MARK 3:29 (But he shall blaspheme against the HOLY GHOST hath never forgiveness but is in danger of eternal damnation:)Thanks for reading this. I hope to hear back from you. If you think I've erred in some way. (But I do not need your ungodly comments.) 357greeneyes1. On January 27th a Prayer request was put out for our sister Missionary Deloresa today is Febuary 6th I see there are 10 replies will the true Prayer Warriors step up. Yes she is a little better but she still needs our Prayers can (WE) take GOD time and do what HE saids PRAY for one another and stop being stuck on our selfs. Praying that GOD will touch our hearts and put GOD work frist much love to you all. 357greeneyes1. If you notice I said (WE) was not being judgemental we are to Pray for one another everyday. But there is time when special prayer is needed I did not mean to step on anyones toes. But when GOD gives me something to say I wll do just that, I hold no grudge against any one. So when you read-study James5: 16 please understand the word fault can mean angry,selfesh,not doing what GOD ask us to do,meaness and so own. So I Pray that GOD reveal my hidden faults and remove them in JESUS name Amen. I still love you all and pray for you all every day much love. sister 357greeneyes1

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God bless you, I was not apart of the network in Feb., but i'm standing with you in prayer. Please be still and know that God is God. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything with prayer and supplications let your request be known unto God, and THE PEACE of God, which passes ALL understanding will keep your heart and minds.
My prayer for you is that God would open your eyes to see that there are more with us(Gods' children)than there are with them(the enemy) and we have THE victory.
Always remember that while the wicked are up plotting, God blesses His children, while they're sleep.

There is a rest for Gods' people,
sandra landry


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