Php 2:13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.

Years ago we were stationed in Adak, Alaska. When we first moved up there, the Chaplain was looking for someone to play the piano for Sunday worship. Young in the faith and without hesitation, I offered. I soon learned that there were no piano's to practice on during the week, being the chapel had one of very few on the island. Worry started to settle in through the week. Through the previous years I had learned to memorize before performing before an audience. Sunday came, and by then worry had dug it's roots in pretty deep. As I was sitting up front waiting for the service to begin, I was repeating one prayer over and over... "Lord, please get me out of this." This was the last place I wanted to be at this moment in time. Within minutes, the Lord answered my prayer with an 8.2 earth quake. Being new on the island, having lived my life on the east coast, this was my first experience with earth quakes. Everyone quickly was leaving the chapel. I thought for sure that this was the end, the Lord was coming. When I got outside people were explaining that it was a large earth quake. There was a large active volcano, Mt Sitca, about five miles off the island. About 10 minutes later after the quake, we all filed back into church after the building was checked. I returned to my seat up front, with a new perspective. Prayers to get out were immediately replaced with praises for the ability to return. Today I would not be able to share what the songs were I had played or how many mistakes I had made.
Ro 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. It does not say only the good things God works...but all include the uncomfortable or unpleasant things. The Lord needed a pianist that Sunday morning. He had one who loved Him, but was praying to get out of His will. Worry rooted instead of trusting in the Lord. ***The Lord is able to turn each circumstance around for each of our good.
People: The Lord used a young preacher like Timothy, a poor speaker like Moses, a foot-in-the-mouth like Peter, a skeptic like Thomas, and a killer like Paul. Situations: Jonah found himself in the belly of a whale. Joseph found himself in a pit. Paul found himself in prison. Uncomfortable, unpleasant situations the Lord used towards His purposes. People and situations: By Gods grace, He transformed their weaknesses and situations into power. Power to accomplish His good purpose, His will. Since God is not a respecter of people....He would do no less with each of us who love Him.
1 Pet 1:6,7 Many times we ask God to take away our problem(s), yet it may be His will for us to endure and persevere until the end.
Rom 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. v27 And He who searches our hearts knoPiano + Earthquake = The Lords Will be Done...
ws the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.

Lord, I have learned when praying , that the answers or outcomes might not be the ones I was searching for. Lord, I have learned that sometimes Your answers are used to teach one invaluable lessons. Lord, I am learning daily that it is Your will to be done, not my own... whether through gentle whispering reminders or through an 8.2 earthquake....Your...Your will...Your will be done.... YSisterIC, Brown Eagle....8/1/10

Mount Sitka off of of Adak, Alaska