Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

On some social networking sites, I’ve come across people that are extremely judgmental on my views and feel that either they’re on the same as, or higher footing than God and have the right to judge others; in fact, one person told me that he could judge (CONDEMN) whomever he wants to. Even when I used the Word of God and told them, they’ll be judged (CONDEMNED) with the same measure they used to judge me, they dismissed what I said.

I would like it if you’re actually praying the following that you read with every deepest fiber of your being in spirit and in truth; not read and then pray, but praying while you’re reading as I’m currently doing while writing to you.

1.      God will remove the judgmental (CONDEMNING) spirit from people’s hearts.

2.      God will reveal every sin to anyone who judged or judges other, where not supposed to.

3.      God will let that person know it’s not his/her right to judge and that all have sinned and fallen short of His glory.

4.      God will reward them 700 fold the deeds of their judgmental heart, non-stop, and allow others to see them in the act of sin committed every time; great or small and to be judged with the same measure they judge others, including the past coming back to them until they get a revelation, turn away from judgment, and 1st ask God and then the other person for forgiveness with every deepest fiber of their
being. This includes their sins being on revealed on TV, the Internet, radio,

5.      Anyone who judges others in the future from the time you finish praying shall and will surely instantly come under judgment.

6.      Any other area of judgment that needs to be prayed about, in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

The reason I say 700 fold, is because, I live by the fact that God will give back more than what was lost or stolen and with 7 being the main number of completion, I wanna maximize the 100 fold 7 times. This is how I pray all the time. I don’t just stop at 100 fold, I go way beyond. Sometimes, I even go thousands fold or millions.

Please pray all the points every time, you hear, see, think about, etc, any type of judgment, and please always keep this email so you can revert to it every time you think of praying against judgments. Thanks in advanced and God bless you.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hello my brother I have looked at your request, and i have read the different replies. I prayed and asked the lord to show me the way to send this message to you. We don't pray against judgment, but pray for those who judge, because the Bible says judge not are you may be judged. and i pray for you because the bible tells us that we will be judged and persecuted by people so you need to learn to humble yourself and stay in the word of god and whatever is hurting you let it go so you can go on for the lord. but i thank you for this prayer request because my prayer warriors are having a good time with this discussion


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