Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Please pray for my son;Kevin,Jr. to be healed from the PAIN of rejection,from both biological parents,mom-drug addicted; dad-verbally abusive,told the son he "washed his hands completely, of him".Is now married to a younger woman who has 2,smaller kids for him, who he plays "daddy" with,everyday!He pushed Kevin, Jr. off on me-his Aunt,Kevin,Jr's on drugs;tobacco;defiant
violent;cussing;masturbating,taking pills;
offers to fight my husband;etc.I pray for peace & a place to put him so he can go on with his life.I've had him for 16,yrs
it's gotten worse over the yrs. I'm tired of this struggle!! I'm a minister & need time to do what I need to,for God!!Pray for peace in my home!!
Rev. G. Ford

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look up when u get there click on to daily sucess and sign up for daily emails. also play the first video by bill gothard on basic life principles this has helped me tremendously u will be suprised that our natural instincts are exact opposite of gods and wisdom is seeing life from gods point of view. god is allowing us to have the problems we have to uild character in our lives when we fianally learn that character quality he will stop the problem. please read info on this site and may god bless you also there is power in crying out!!!!! look at the information on this
Dear Rev. G

I will pray for you and I want to encourage you first of all that your situation may seem overwhelming, but God's power as YOU know is stronger than any obstacle that you face.

I want you to know that I will be strong with you in the Lord and in his mighty power. eph 6:10

Jesus said, " Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heats be troubled and do not be a fraid." John 14:27

Precious Lord, please bless and keep Rev G and her son. Lord we ask that Your face shine upon them. Strenghten Rev G as only You father can. She is tired Lord and weary but we give it to you Lord to carry for her. Give to her the peace Lord that surpasses all understanding right now in the name of Jesus. And right now we cast down wicked imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of you oh God, and we bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. We thank you Father that your Word is life and light to us daily and we love you much Lord. In the name of Jesus we pray.
I pray that the Lord will intervene in your daughter, Keesha's life, minister to her & your every need, in the name of Jesus! I pray that The Prince of Peace - Jesus will live in your hearts and home, I also pray for deliverance & encouragement for you & her!! God is able! Remind yourself, that God didn't bring you this far to abandon you, now!!! God bless you & all those that you love, most!!!!
Rev. G.

My Dear Sister in Christ,

You have such a good heart, and make no mistake -- God will reward you for your goodness.

Father, God, I come before you today with the image of one of your faithful followers in mind and on my heart. Lord, she has done her best to take care of an otherwise neglected young person for many years. God please bless her for her kindness and acceptance of responsibility when those who should be responsible do not measure up to the task. Lord, we realize there have been many obstacles in the way and the circumstances have cause a price to be paid upon the life of the person so involved. These things do not come without difficulty. Therefore, Lord, we ask that you please give a double portion of resiliance to the life of this your Woman of God. We ask, Father, to turn things around in her favor today and in the days to come. Let her know just how valuable she has been not only in the life of a young person who needed it, but also in the community of faith as she steps forth to carry out the Christian principles of living on a daily basis. God, please reward her in this life and the next and make the path clearer for her. Father. we ask that you take control of the situation and use it to Thy Glory in the Name of Thy Precious Son Christ Jesus. Amen.

Thank you soo, much for your prayers & encouragement. This is really a task! God is able, but he's drinking, doing drugs and pills! I believe that God is in control, & dealing with him, but he needs deliverance from hurt, anger & unforgiveness. Thank you for your continued prayers!! God blass you!
Rev. G
Our good God is with you , it shall be well with him ,both are not alone Jesus is with you too ,we are with you in prayer , you shall find peac in your home in Jesus name Amen.
Thank you so much for the encouragement and prayers, God Bless You!!!
Rev. G.


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