Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer
As we know, reading is so important in the life of a believer. We must arm ourselves daily with the TRUTH(bible) that is offered there. Standing on the WORD is not possible unless we have understanding of what we stand for. As I have said many times before, you must stand for something OR you will fall for anything. This is true in these trying times that we face here on earth. We must be rooted and grounded in the WORD and then, exercise wisdom in our lives and actions.
Today, I would like to go over the Seven Pillars of Wisdom as seen in Proverbs chapter 8.
The bible tells us, if any man lack wisdom-let him inquire of the Lord. God wants us to use good judgement in making life decisions and persuing a life of Godliness. Seek
God is all matters concerning you.
The list is as follows:
#1-Prudence- People wiith prudence have self restraint. In other words they are able to go about their lives not being anxious or moved by everything they see. To be prudent you must use sound judgement in dealing with the affairs in life. Think things through before acting. Is it the best process to proceed with? This must be a part of the character of true believers.
#2-Knowledge and Wisdom along with prudence must be obtained in your life. These are people who exhibit sound judgement and show keen perception in dealing with others.
Be wise as a serpent,but harmless as a dove. Someone who looks ahead at possible outcomes and plans a course of action. If you fail to plan then, you plan to fail. Avoid
danger and conflict.
#3-Fear of God. Not only love but also respect. Have a right attitude of reverance. Be
committed to God's purpose in your life. Hang in there no matter what, because God
has committed HIMSELF to you. To love, care, provide for, etc. Show HIM the same
respect and earnestness.
#4-Counsel-to give good advice. Not only give good advice but, also be a good listener
too. Open up your heart to recieve as well as to give. Give wise guidance to others
that are n need. Make right decisions by seeking GOD first, going on biblical principles
and seek counsel from those who are experienced righteous believers. They must have put some years in, time dealing with situations and GODLY knowledge as well as
worldly knowledge that can help in daily activities. Remember be a good listener.
#5-Sound Wisdom. A practical approach in daily behavior and thought and of course
backed up with the other attributes in the previous pillars. One who shows justice,
righteiousness, and equity in their life. You should see proof in their lifestyle. You should
recognize their fruits.
#6-Understanding- there is worldly understanding and GODLY undestanding. Some arewise in years because of life experience. They know how to handle situations with theirexperience. Yes, experience is a good teacher, but they also need to have GODLY
understanding so that actions, thoughts, and behaviors line up with the WORD. Know
and acknowledge that GOD is our source. Be willing to be humble and recieve the
valuable instruction that GOD places in upright individuals. This way you can discern wisely the options that are before you.
#7-Power. After you have placed yourself in line with the first 6 Pillars then the last
should come fairly easily. Self-restraint, knowledge and discretion, Fear of GOD, counsel, Sound wisdom, understanding, then comes power. You have created an
atmosphere for POWER. The JOY of the LORD is your strength. When we line up with
how GOD wants us to be and have good godly character then power comes. You have
all these in place to strengthen you so you can stand against the evils in this world with
GOD as your allie and commander . When we get wrapped up and tied up in GOD, then and only thencan we declare ourselves to be True Servants of God. Power gets respect and respect must be earned. Our character should reflect all the things I've outlined here. Let's take time and evaluate ourselves and make sure we are lining up with God's will in our lives.
Strive everyday to make GOD proud, not men. Man can not judge you-only GOD can.
Let us be mindful and humble ourselves to commit to the ways of God. God Bless!
Study from the Websource: Bridge to the Bible
Post by: Prophetess Teloria Williams ( IHS )
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