Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

The Women and Men of the Old Testament and How They are Relative to Your Life?

In my research of five women of the Old Testament, I found several distinctive attributes. In order for me to form an intellectual and conformed opinion, I ask myself these questions in the Blog “Women of the Old Testament and God’s Favored Grace. “
In your study of the women and men of the Old Testament what have you found interesting? Is there at least one thing whether it was physical or spiritual that could relate in parallel to their and your character and life? One might find it is not so difficult even in these times to associate themselves with these women and men of the bible.

1. What was her/ his problem?
2. How does she/he attempt to solve her/ his problem?
3. How does God respond to her/ him?
4. How do she/ he respond to God's miracle in her/ his life?
5. What parallels did you see between the story of ____and the story ___and you?

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Thank you for responding - I am sure it will be an enlightening revelation. I know you caused me to reflect on–the water, women, vessel and ground but those are my thoughts .I have learned much from others input into this discussion and have been caused to look at stories in the bible in a different perspective. And I will compile it for a final review when I feel an appropriate time has lapsed for all to ponder on the question and their chose and thoughts. I hope it will be a blessing in some way.
Abel (2d son of Adam and Eve) was the first shepherd; Jacob work as a shepherd for 14 years, for the hand of Rachael; Moses was a shepherd over is father-in-law flock when he had his encounter with the bush that was burning but not consumed, and The Voice of the Lord spoke from the burning bush, directing Moses to go tell Pharaoh to let his people go; David was a shepherd when he was annointed King for God's people.


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