Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

We'll see if these people will give you a stamp of approval.


                    You see I follow God, so I didn't know anything yet about the fake rules they had made up about God's altar, or themselves. Plus they made up their own rules of saying you can't have any powers from God, because I haven't given you permission to have powers from God. Can you believe that!! That's just amazing to me that these people are so lost, and just plain dumb to think they have any right what so ever to think that they are in charge of God's powers. Have you ever read that in your bible? You have to come over here so these people can approve if you're holy enough. Stand in the line over there to your right please. We'll see if these people will give you a stamp of approval. The truth sadly is most of these people need an exorcism. Thank God the one young Sister came to us with her hurts. and we were able to council her, and tell her how she is just to forgive, and we will pray for the snake ladies in the bible study. You see it's not just the one Sister who was spitting out the poison on the other Sister, stabbing her in her back. But remember there were other Sister's in the bible study who sat there listening and not defending the one Sister. Or telling the head snake lady that she is wrong. Sadly these ladies in the bible study are a pit of snakes all squirming together. All with the same deadly hearts, and deadly mouths with forked tongues, and fangs of evil. Evildoers in sheep's clothes coming as angels of light but filled with darkness of hell.
~~~Living and learning~~~

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