I can remember several seasons ago....visiting my Grandma Kay for a week at the retirement home where she was living. My Aunt Mary worked there as an administrator. Several times a day, I would go down to the offices to have coffee and visit with her. The offices were located downstairs by the front lobby. Each time I would go down to visit, there in the front entrance way, many would be gathered sitting. Finally asking, Aunt Mary shared with me how so many sit there day after day waiting....but no one ever comes to visit. After hearing this, I took detours to Aunt Mary's office...and each time I would find a rest stop, sitting out front with those waiting. They would share who they were waiting for. Several shared memories of those loved ones. Amazing how quickly a few would pull out pictures. Never has this left my heart...
Over seasons, I know many as this who wait...a child waits on the front steps for a visit from a parent, but the car never pulls up....a father waits at home for a phone call from his grown child on Fathers Day...but the phone never rings, a mother waits in a restaurant for a lunch date with their daughter who forgets...and ends up leaving empty in two ways, a grandparent waits for the mailman to deliver a card saying hello...and only hears continued echo's, "Maybe tomorrow," a friend waits to hear just a simple hello but sits in complete silence. Waiting is not so much the hard part, hope is still present...but when love does not show up...quickly ones hope fades to emptiness, loneliness, loss, and pain. There are no natural bandages big enough for wounded hope....but.... spiritually: love, kindness, and compassion, are able to heal these wounds...or three simple words....Please forgive me.
In John21: Peter was told that if He truly love the Lord...v15 to feed His lambs, v16 to take care of His sheep, and v17 to feed His sheep.
***Jn4:32 But He said to them, "I have food to eat that you know nothing about." The Lord hear is speaking of spiritual nourishment.
***We are not only nourished by what we take in, but also by what we give out for God.
Mt25:35a....For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat...
***Self and time for sharing and giving to another does not require money, talents, or education. Simple acts of love and kindness are freely given and are freely received.
Precious Lord I pray for all those who wait....Lord, I pray that love comes through the doors...Lord I pray for a phone to ring...Lord, I pray for a car to pull up...Lord, I pray for an empty seat to be filled...Lord, I pray for a delivered letter...Lord I pray for hope to be rekindled by a simple act of kindness, Lord, I pray for anothers time be spent for Your sheep.... Heb13:5b..." NEVER will I leave you; NEVER will I forsake you. "
Whisper: Praises lifted Lord when You find a willing vessel...to reach and love another through. YSisterIC, Brown Eagle 7/11/10