Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

A Faithful Follower
By Valerie G. Lowe

Have you ever studied the life of Bible character Mary Magdalene? I have, and I’ve discovered an amazing truth about her that has both challenged and inspired me in my walk with the Lord. She went from living a life of torment to living one of peace as a faithful follower of Jesus.

Mary Magdalene is one of several women mentioned in Luke 8:2, which says she was sick and had seven devils cast out of her. Can you imagine waking up every morning hearing voices others cannot hear or seeing beings others cannot see? Would you spend your life running from church to church seeking deliverance from the evil that plagues you, or would you sink into deep depression and check yourself into a mental health facility?

And then what would you do if you met a man who appeared out of nowhere and said, “Daughter, be healed,” and you were? No doubt you would fall to your knees in gratitude, screaming, “Thank you! Thank you!” and spend the rest of your life telling people about a Man who healed all your infirmities and delivered you from demonic oppression.

I believe that’s exactly what Mary did.

The Bible says Mary and the band of women mentioned in the text gave of their substance, meaning they gave money to the work of the Lord, and followed Jesus as He went about teaching and preaching in the cities and villages. Mary was one of the first to see our resurrected Savior, and one of the first to tell others, “He has risen.”

When Mary met the Man who took away her madness and gave her peace, she not only worshiped Him but also followed Him.

Mary doesn’t have a starring role in Scripture like that of Mary, the mother of Jesus, or Deborah, the prophetess who presided as judge over Israel, but she is characterized in Scripture as a dedicated disciple and faithful follower of Jesus.

What will it take for us to serve God with reckless abandonment as our sister, Mary, did? Will it take sickness and demons to thrust us to our knees every day in gratitude? I hope not. Seek to fall in love with Jesus, and you will become a faithful and dedicated follower too.

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