Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life" (Proverbs 4:23).

Every issue in life begins in your heart. Guard it vigilantly, as it determines the course of your life.

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"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life" (Proverbs 4:23).

Every issue in life begins in your heart. Guard it vigilantly, as it determines the course of your life.

Praise God! Bless His Holy Name! I thank Him this morning for Love and for His Mercy. My dear friend Maria died yesterday and as this prose keeps growing in my heart I asked God to give me a scripture that could speak truth and deliverance ; ease the pain of her dear mother and young men-sons ; speak of the transformation that happen right before my eyes of the changing of her heart. You see others might have seen this young woman strong, vibrant, and with a Loin's heart in her late thirties cut down with heart illnesses until she was called "home” in her early forties. But Praise God I saw a transformation of the heart; I saw a young woman who knew the bible become the bible -you know we are the only bible some people will ever see And because of these things I do not mourn for Maria lives she has not died.
Thank you woman of God for letting God use this morning; speaking for myself I now have the words that will bring enlightenment to a homecoming not a funeral.


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