Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer
Those who have gone through or are going through domestic violence or abuse in any form-physical, verbal, etc. Victims of abuse need OUR PRAYERS!!!!!!
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Latest Activity: Nov 4, 2019
Started by Sharilynn "Sherri" McIntosh Nov 4, 2019. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by Sharilynn "Sherri" McIntosh Jun 15, 2019. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by Sharilynn "Sherri" McIntosh Apr 25, 2019. 0 Replies 0 Likes
you were created in the image of God to be loved God is love not abuse and would never abuse anyone
it is very hard being a step parent i am step father to nyasha 12yrs old yes she has done many things to me all the lies etc she never had a relationship with her natural father and took it out on me God has bought us through listen to him and do what he tells you too he will guide you be not afraid he will keep you watch over you
I have been abused,this is so hard to share but God says"it's better to share and get it out of my way" so I will.
I am in an unhappy marriage,I got married June 2002 and had our son august 2002, everything was ok,he had two sons of his own so I became a stepmother.I did for the kids,cleaned their rooms, tended to laundry, helped with school problems etc.
Once I had my son,things so changed.The eldest{the ring leader if you will} wanted me gone,he hated me for whatever reasons,he was free with his filthy mouth and yes I stood ground but once we moved to TX,things went from worse to worser.
Their bio mother was no help,she caused trouble, told the two boys never to call me mom,she even went as far as calling people making false statements and everytime it was dropped,mostly against me because both kids lied to her about me just to get rid of me and cause trouble.
They told someone I refused to let them talk to their mother when we moved here,It wasn't me,it was their own father so I took someone saying mean things to me and falsly accussing me and i broke down in the car on the way home,I told their father what was said and the eldest just smirked and said"haha I got you in trouble".Thats when everything went to worser.
They would lie to people at their churches saying i didn't feed them,which was a lie they just didn't like what I made, they'd lie to kids at school about me,they had a list on how to rape a woman,they beat me, pushed me into walls, stormed into my room an dheld me down{wait I need to cry as I ma writting this}......they lied to their own father and said"we didn't do a thing shes lying" mean while cops had been to the house and inlaws,they shouted nasty disgusting things at me,they threw food soda,whatever they could at me,they left me with black and blues, tried controlling me,wouldn't let me leave the house when i was sick so theyt ook my glasses and hid them,they went as far as doing something disgusting in frount of me na dmy son on thanksgiving.
They'd say"go ahead tell dad, who do you think he'll believe".I had oen arrested for ten days for whipping me with a phone wire and destroying the house with cleaning supplies,he got 1 yr probation, community work and that was it,There wa sno justice for me,he couldn't lay a hand on me so he got his brother to do it for him, the kid threatened me non stop, curse me rip phone wires out so i couldn't call anyone for help, took over my computer an dtheir father was aware of it all and did nothing,it was as if he was abusing me too.
The middle kid whipped my back with a dog leash,I still suffer pain in my back as a reminder.I left twice, once to a shelter for about a month to get help,then seperated for 5 months,I wanted a divorce.I wanted to work things out, the kids were leaving for germany,they had it planned to stay with their bio mother in germany but of course their fathe rblames me saying"they won't come back if your ehre" well then what was the sense of working things out for?
I am so unhappy now, my husband and I are so far apart, he belittles me sometimes, he'll say things that aren't true and falsly accusse me of things or place blame on me,i ignore half of what he says because I know the truth.He said once I made up all the abuse to get his kids in trouble, no I didn't ask the police who came here in one yr at least 65 times,ask your parents, sisters all who came here for me.
Now,I have found God, eh came to me many tiems over, he knows i am not happy, he has told me"joanne your worth something, you don't need to be unhappy, your a strong, loving and caring person who can go on if you want to,you are a good mother,you put your son ahead of you always,theres someone waiting for you, you just need to be guided".
I live in a no intimate marriage going on 9 yrs, thats one of teh reasons i am leaving and unhappy,I need to be held and hugged and sometiems told when i look terribel that I look pretty.
Happiness won't coem to me I have to go to it.
Both boys aren't here anymore but I still suffer ptsd and nightmares and fewer now,I am still frightened of the dark,my so called husband is what he is, he has trheatened to leave me at wal mart if i don't hurry and sometiems has left teh store when he is doen and sits in his car,nice ,but when i did that to him he lost it and yelled at me, theres never a happy middle, so i am moving out and moving on.thanks for letting me share.
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