Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Pray NOW: Father God in the name of Jesus we come just to say glory hallelujah to the risen KING, glory hallelujah to you O'LORD for how excellent is your name in all the earth. We come this morning just to baste in your present to sing a song the angels can sing because we are Redeemed by the Lamb of God, glory hallelujah to the risen KING. Precious LORD how excellent is your name in all the earth we come to bow down and give you glory, honor and pure worship. Father God we come because you are God and we reverence you in your sovereignty.

O'LORD as we sing the songs of Zion of your goodness and the vastness of your tender mercies towards man kind; we come to stand in the gap for all those lives in Haiti LORD calling on the name of Jesus that you would be merciful, gracious as you move by compassion for the children LORD release the aids they need; send the water supplies and missionaries to help today put a word in their mouths that would give hope in what seem hopeless today. Father God in the name of Jesus we call on your name in the land as you release healing, deliverance, salvation and freedom. LORD send willing workers and strenghten them for the journey and devastation at hand in the name of Jesus. Father open up the bowel of compassion for those who can be a blessing financially to this poverty stricken nation in Jesus name we pray.

Father God there stand in need of medical attention and supplies today for the three hospital have been destroyed and my doctors without boarders are missing in actions be merciful today and calm the fears of those doctors who have reservations about going to help; LORD move on the hearts today; move on the hearts of the nurses and release any and all red tape that will hinder Red Cross and other agencies from sending what is needed today. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus we call on your name today we need you so desperately in Haiti and surrounding nations we need you to move, speak, release today. Jesus we need you more today than on yesterday to move on the heart of others countries to send forth help to this poverty stricken nation. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus we are calling on your name because of the children who are motherless, fatherless and the widows who have become husband less Father we your service call on your matchless name.

O'LORD how excellent is your name that we can call on you in the times of trouble, LORD as you people cry out in prayer, weep in prayer for lives lost and home destroyed, hospital demolished, even the President of Haiti found himself homeless today. Jesus we cry out for lives today that are hidden under the rubbish, we cry out for those who have no home, no parents and and fearful of what is to become of them. Jesus we cry out today for the aftershock that rocked this poverty stricken nation. LORD we lift up fellow Haitians that are going back to Haiti to be a blessing, a help to rebuild. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus we are calling on your name we tears falling from our eyes for these people today grateful that we are still alive and well; sadden by there tradegy but with a grateful heart that we have clean water mindful of what they don't have, Jesus.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus calm the raging sea today in Haiti speak to those who survive this tradegy this devestation fill them with praise and give the a heart of flesh filled with gratitude and thanks that they are among the living and the hope that with you Jesus Haiti can be rebuild to be a god fearing nation filled with hope of Jesus Christ. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus we call on you that these Haitians hearts will be of flesh today to receive your love, peace and yes joy that they are alive and hope is theirs. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus we call your name for you are the only one the only one Jesus, Jesus, Jesus that can truly rebuild Haiti and the lives of those effective by this tradegy. LORD we know you can turn this around for there good; LORD we know you are able and specialize in impossibilities so glorify you today in the land, hallelujah!

We thank you O'LORD, we glorify you O'LORD for we know you to be a waymaker, we thank you for the helping hands, we thank you for your plan and purpose for Haiti we know you waste nothing and hope is alive in Jesus Christ, we thank you and we glorify you today as we continue to stand in the gap and call on the name of Jesus that much lives will be saved today that the death total we cease in Jesus name. We thank you for the miracles of everyone found alive given another chance to come to Jesus, we thank you LORD for the stories of how in the mist of it all you where there hallelujah we thank you LORD for the missionary bless her and strength her who was there and refuse to come home, hallelujah but put her hand to the plow in the moment of need, glory hallelujah to the risen KING today for all you are doing, have done and about to do for there is hope in the rebuilding of Haiti in Jesus matchless name we praise and give thanks in advance for the rebuilding of a god fearing country Haiti in Jesus matchless name. Amen, Amen, Amen

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We will pray
Lord you are the strong and mighty one ,we praise you ,we give you all the glory,father hear our prays.
Father please look down on our brothers and sisters in haiti, baibes are with out mother and father ,chrildren are being left wirhout a home,and family,please my Lord send help for the people of haiti,send your angels to watch over the little ones who need you,.
Father enter into the hearts of thoese who are able to give a helping hand to do so with love, have mercy on the island of HAITI Lord have mercy,,and answer their crys ,i ask this from the bottom of my heart ,in JESUS name Amen.

I am praying.



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