Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

A prayer for such a time as this!

<i>Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:For he bringeth down them that dwell on high; the lofty city, he layeth it low; he layeth it low, even to the ground; he bringeth it even to the dust. (Isaiah 26:3-5)

Rejoice in the knowledge that putting your trust in the Lord brings about Peace, brings about change, brings about strength, and brings about truth. I was thinking the LORD JEHOVAH is trustworthy! There is nothing to hard for our God; YOU ARE ABLE ( IT IS SO) to he can bring all those high places that exalt themselves above our God down. God you are trustworthy, hallelujah; YOU CARE ABBA FATHER, YOU CARE ALL ABOUT US! Today HOLD ON TO GOD’S UNCHANGING HAND; TRUST HIM WITH ALL OF YOU AND YOURS DON’T HOLD NOTHING BACK FROM GOD!


Pray NOW: Father God in the name of Jesus we come this morning to give you glory, honor and praise we come with one thing in mind to give unto you our love and adoration for the great things you have done and are doing in our lives as we purpose in our hearts to trust you even at times when we can’t trace you, Jehovah we praise you this morning as we put our absolute trust in you and lean not our own understanding or stinking think but trust in you knowing you have our best interest at hard and you way is the only way to truth and eternal life. Father God in the name of Jesus we place our hope in your because hope gives us patience to WAIT and while we WAIT we learn the beauty of trust through faith in Christ Jesus.

Father God, Jehovah we think on the pure things of you such as trust, peace, everlasting strength, my God for our strength come from you; we bless your name today because we go from strength to strength in you, Jehovah. We glorify you because the joy of the LORD is our strength as we keep our mind on you and your goodness my hope springs eternal in us, hallelujah. Father God as we set our sight on heavenly thoughts things that are lovely, pure and truth my God as we recognize your grace is sufficient for us that the thorn in our flesh can’t compare to your grace, hallelujah we praise you, Jehovah. Father God we know you are worthy of our praise because you are the ROCK LORD JESUS that is higher than what we are going through, hallelujah for greater is he that is in US than he in the world. LORD Jesus you are the rock that is higher than US; we glorify you in our lives today for great is your mercy, my God you are worthy of our love and adoration. Abba Father we abandon ourselves in you today walking out of the flesh today my God to be closer to thee; we won’t fight against you or buck against your will for our lives but we surrender all to follow hard after the Jesus for you are our Redeemer and Strength!


Father God forgive us our sins for we know we sinned against you and you only have we don't wrong in your sight. Forgive us as we forgive others, Lord teach us to release those whom done us wrong today; King Jesus teach us your ways let the mind of Christ be also in us today as we move past those hindrances, fears, doubts, shame, anger, frustration, woe its me attitude into your loving and forgiving arms today. My God, sweet Savior, Redeemer wash and purge us of all unrighteousness, cleanse us and make us HOLD; create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us that we would tell others of your unconditional love and forgiveness, my God. Jehovah we thank you for your forgiveness and the blessed gift of the Holy Spirit that leads and guides us in all your truths; LORD we long for truth in our inner man, today.


Jehovah, our God we extol you today in the earth, we lift up our hearts to you and give you all the glory, honor and praise, my God; we esteem you on high today Lord Jehovah. Lord we come to you that you would bring down those that dwell on high, the lofty city that layeth low that awaits to pounce on these your people. Bring down all the high places in our lives and the lives of those we cry out for today your PEOPLE, O'LORD we cry out for those in the land seeking your face, we cry out for the body of Christ, we cry out for the single Mothers, Fathers, Grand parents, married couples, Evangelist, Prophets, Bishops, Apostle, teens, Pastors and most of all your Servants, we cry out in for such a time as this in Jesus name we come to your throne room we come to stand in the gap for their place, assignment, position in your kingdom we come to pull the strongholds down in their lives; we come Father God to plead the blood today that your would release your miracles, deliverance, healing, salvation and freedom in their lives. We come to rebuke the enemy and he plots and plans to sift your children as wheat know Jesus the Chief Intercessor has prayed for them my God; we come to stand on your promises that every high place MUST COME DOWN in their lives in Jesus name knowing no weapon formed against them shall NEVER prosper that there inheritance is safe in you, KING Jesus.


Father God cause the stoniest of heart to melt as you pour your love into us today; cause us to trust you for you Jehovah are trust worthy; cause us to move out of bondage on the impulse of your love cause us to operate in your strength not our own cause us to run into the safety of your loving arms do it for your glory; do it for our souls today in Jesus name. Father God to resurrection{JESUS, JESUS, JESUS} what may be dead in our lives, dreams, confidence, desire, hopes, faith, love, joy, peace, and motivation renewal of their minds today, thank you, glory to God we praise you today for being in the mist of your people; we thank you for moving, speaking, releasing, reviving, pumping your breathe the very oxygen needed into the heart that we may live in you, Precious LORD, glory hallelujah we sing praise unto you JESUS, JESUS, JESUS we love to call your name, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus we love to call your name in such a time as this, glory!


<i>Father God you are our POWER SOURCE AND WE PLUG IN TODAY; Holy Spirit have your way in our lives open up our eyes that we would behold the beauty of our Heavenly Father’s glory; that our blinded eyes we behold the majestic of our KING, glory hallelujah for we know the Bridegroom cometh for his bride and we have the oil in our lamps shining bright that we would have access to the bridegroom chambers, hallelujah. King Jesus we come this morning nothing of ourselves but in search of you, LORD in search of your love, kindness and the gentle way you love us with such care, my God. O’LORD we come to you seeking knowing you shall be found of us when we seek you with our whole heart; we come this morning broken in spirit with a contrite heart ready and willing to follow you in the holy of holy, glory. We come this morning with anticipation that we would be found of you knowing whatever state we are in you are surely in the mist to bring us through, glory hallelujah!


Father God we sing of your glory as we know beyond a shadow of doubt that your seed will germinate in our lives, let US die to self today. Let them grab ahold of the horns of the alter and press their way to you, Lord Jehovah. Lord we come to you that you would set the captive free from the bounds of sin. We come that you, Father God would have your way in their lives. We come to you the Great I Am that you would uprooted, repair, demolished those things that easy beset your children, we come to you that you would send your anointing to destroy the yokes and remove the burdens off their shoulders. We come that a HOLY GOD would release the spirit of repentenance in their lives in the name of Jesus. We come that you would move all distractions, pride, anger, hatred, unforgiveness, shame, disappointment, faithlessness, pressure, sadness, and malice out of the view of how you truly are to them in the name of Jesus. That you would release into their innerman, peace, joy, love, self control, forgiveness, hope, faith, strengthen, trust and the fear of the Lord in the name of Jesus. We come that you would have your way in their lives tear down the alter of idolatry anything that is exalted above you. Father do the same of us let no other god be before thee.


Father as we stand Father God we decree and declare that the walls of oppression, depression, envy, pride, discord, suicide anger, hopelessness, fear, doubt, shame and strife to name of few coming tumbling down in the name of Jesus. LORD Jesus your word says perfect love cast out all fear, you said your love covers a multitude of sins; your love is unconditional no matter where we been and what we done your love is available unto us, hallelujah with forgiveness. My God, Abba Father love these your people back to life in the name of Jesus. Whatever it takes we release them for change, we release them for breakthrough, we release them to you will for their lives in Jesus name we pray. We thank you in advance for we know it is already done, we thank you in advance for the manifestation of your glory in their life, we thank you for shining your illuminating light down on the dark and hidden parts of all our lives and sending revelation to us that we may be SERVANTS OF TRUTH.


<i>JEHOVAH WE HOLD ON TO THE HORNS OF THE ALTAR IN PRAYER as we thank you for teaching us your ways, we thank you for calling us into your purpose and eternal life, We thank you, thank you, thank you. We thank you because we realize that it all about you, Lord. We thank you, thank you, thank you for the great things you are about to do, are doing and what is yet to come in all our lives, HALLELUJAH. JEHOVAH WE FIND YOU TRUSTWORTHY AND FAITHFUL, HALLELUJAH! We your people thank you because you always give us a way of escape even though the evil one lay in wait to throw us off course, but we also know you are ABLE to keep us from falling so today look upon your SERVANTS and help us keep focus, help us preserve thought trials and tribulations. ABBA Father keep us your Prayer Warriors rooted and grounded in your love, draw us deeper and deeper into a love relationship with you. FATHER GOD we need you Lord, we need you, and Lord as we surrender to your will for our lives and say HAVE THY OWN WAY in our lives , Father Have thy own way! Lord as we WALK INTO THE MONTH OF APRIL WITH HOPE/EXPECTATION OF YOUR GLORIOUS FIRE coming down from your altar, LORD to consume a people unto you, holy & acceptable which is our reasonable service unto thee. We come taking off the old because we are reconciled by the blood of Jesus to the our Heavenly Father we sing praise for we know GREAT JEHOVAH high things, lofty places are coming down in our lives and in the lives of those we have on the altar today in Jesus name we pray Amen, Amen, Amen.</i>

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