Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

I am a female from North Carolina that is in need of prayers about these things below:
1.  I am in need of prayers everyday because  I have been crying because me and my moms relationship is not going good at all.
2. I am in need of prayers everyday because I have been crying because my mom does not trust me at all, calls me a liar, says that I am a trouble maker and says that I am ruining my life
3.  I am in need of prayers everyday because I have been crying because I may become a ward of the State of North Carolina because the state of North Carolina  and the Department of social services wants me in a Mental Hospital and  or a Jail (which I do not want)
4.I am in need of prayers everyday I am feeling like I do not want to be a part of this world anymore.
5. I am in need of prayers  everyday because I have no friends that can send me gifts on m birthday and Christmas
6.I am in need of prayers everyday because I have no friends that can send me a Birthday card and Christmas card
7. I am in need of prayers because My mom calls me a Liar and everyone around me calls me a Liar when I exaggerate about things I do not feel good being called a Liar
8. I am in need of prayers everyday because I feel lonely.
9. Everyone  at my house and the department of social services is saying that I belong in a Jail (which I do not want) and  or a Mental Hospital locked up forever because people are alarmed of me about my panicky situations and sayings and threats etc…
10. My Mom is Yelling me and saying I am haveing MAJOR BEHAVIORS AND I AM RUINING MY LIFE every time I write to my Job coaches boss Linda Novak and Group Home managers Boss Nicole Bumpas How can I be able to contact Linda Novak and Nicole Bumpas without being Yelled at
11. My mom is very upset because I called the ambulance for vomiting and now I have a $900.00 bill I owe my mom because Medicaid and medicare  will not pay for my ambulance ride and my house will not pay for my ambulance ride which I do not have the money for at all I also Owe my mom $900.00 to pay for the ambulance bill which I do not have
12.I am worried because I owe $900.00 to my mom to pay for the ambulance Bill which I do not have How am I going to be able to afford things like:
1. Stamps
2. Typeing Paper(Copy machine Paper)
3. Envelopes
4. Pens
6. Notebook Paper
7. Hair cuts
8. CD-R Discs
9. Toiletrys like: Shampoo, Bar Soap, toothpaste, baby Powder, Lotion and Mouth Wash
10. Yellow Dishwasher Gloves
11. Etc..
I Need . Is there anyone that can Help me have $900.00 to pay the ambulance bill?
13. I am not feeling good because with every single word I say to my mom I am being a Liar, Moran by mom I am also being told by my mom that she does not trust me at all
14. I am also in need of prayers because of the fact I had hernia surgery recently and with the fact I had hernia surgery recently I will be out of work for a while and will not get any money for things like:
1. Typeing Paper (copy Machine Paper)
2. Envelopes
3. Stamps
4. CD-R Discs
5. Money to go to the movies and out to eat which my group home requires me to pay
6. Hair cuts
7. Etc..
I would like some thinking of you cards, get well cards and gift cards to walmart etc… in the mail because I have no friends that think about me.
15.  I am in need of prayers because I am in need of a prayer partner because I have prayer needs at times
16. I am in need of prayers because I am looking for pen pals via Postal Mail and email that can write me and accept short letters with questions only like for example:
1. Do you have any pets?
2. Do you like music?
3. What type of music do you like?
and will accept a letter from me in 8 months because I am a busy person at my group home I live in with cleaning chores and activities and I am also busy at my Jobs working 50 hour work weeks

 If you can pray for me please e-mail me at the e-mails listed below:


My address is

PO BOX 1891


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Replies to This Discussion

Hello sister,

What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sings and griefs to bear
what a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer
O what peace we often forfeit
O what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.

In everything i did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the
weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus said ""ts more blessed to give than to receive"(Acts 20:35) I believe its more blessed to pray for others .

Praying for your needs and please pray for others in the Name of Jesus. Amen



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