Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

My family and I put our trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, when
tribulations and trials come I know God uses others to Bless those less
fortunate, but I just feel like..............
I CAN'T go on by myself anymore!!!!!... I feel like there is a lot on
me right now.
My husband wanted to take his life, but I was able to encourage him not
to give up,
and to please continue to trust God. Here is our story:

My husband was let go on a job he loved, right before his 90 day
evaluation on April
3rd. It took him 3.5 years to find a good job, since our job losses in
2008. I was a
store manager at Sears and my husband
was a warehouse manager at Sears, we
both made good money together, until our store closed. My husband
finally gets a real job Jan 2012, only to be let go from it for no
reason. My husband worked at several temp places, but nothing
permanent ever happened out of them. We
thought since my husband was Blessed with this job in Jan 2012, that
this was the job we been waiting for, but like every other job it did
not last either. My husband did everything right on this job, and he
don't understand??????...he just wants to work. I still call this job a
Blessing whether it lasted or not, because our Lord giveth and our Lord
away...We can't pay bills, get toiletries/necessities, things for our
girls...they are in need of church clothes, shoes,
underclothing, etc...We were getting things for them gradually when my
husband was working, but now we can't, but my family and I are very
anyway, because we are ALL still
together, and we are on this journey together!!!...Praise God for a
family that will fight and refuse to give up!!! The Lord must have
something awesome in store for my family and I!!!...Praise God for his

We have been Blessed to get expedited food stamps, so now we
eat!!!!!...Praise God!! We have three girls that have been through a
lot, their house was taken in 2010, and had to move to a bad area, but
we all know we are very BLESSED to have a roof over our heads. My
family and I count our many Blessings everyday!!! I'm hurt right now,
but will continue to give Praises to God for the good and the bad. We
have been Praising God for his highest favor for my family and I.

My husband is trying hard to find a job. God's high favor WILL get us
through this storm, and also get us a financial breakthrough, as well
as a stronger spirit than we ever had before, and right now our spirits
broken. We have had a breakthrough come through on June 5th. A kind
soul paid for an escort driving class for June 7th for my husband to go
to the class, well he went to the class, and Praise God he PASSED the
test!!!, and he has work lined up, but can't do any of the work yet,
because he has to have his small car pilot ready...lights, flags, wide
load signs, pole, my husband is trying to go to work and we
are trying to help ourselves. If someone would please pray for my
family and I, I would
be very grateful and if someone would like to be a Blessing to
us...please pray on it, and let God lead you to Bless us...Thank you
for taking time to read our story.

My email is

God Bless,
The Lamb Family

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