Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

I'm praying for a down payment on a home. got to move and don't want renal any more. will you pray that God will send me the money that need to move with now. pray over my family members that doing everything to keep me from coming up the money.My God is good. I need a strong prayer in my life. I need $5,000.00 to move into a new home with A/C


Thank you All for your prayer

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My Brother, 

I pray for you in the name Of JESUS that you will be delivered. A little over ten years ago I was in a camper on the back of a truck with two kids. I was going through a divorce. I prayed and GOD answered my prayers, I know if you truly trust in HIM, HE will answer. I went to the church and laid on the alter. I cried and poured my heart out to GOD. First I was blessed with an   8'x24' camp trailer and I didn't want to rent anymore either. A little over a year later my children and I was blessed with a manufactured repo, three bedrooms, two baths. I was looking all over for the money to close the deal for weeks. Then one day as I was walking out of the sales office , I turned around and asked,"Do you take credit cards?" The man said yes. That was the best usage of credit cards that I have ever done.  GOD had it all the time right in my pocket.

Today it's on a lot next to a church. I praise HIM all the time You are in my prayers because I especially feel your pain. Later I was blessed to meet a wonderful woman that became my wife. I think with GOD first. You will be blessed........


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