Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

I'm so mad at the sheriff's office in Kaufman Texas, I requested prayer for my 4 year old great grandbaby, because a 55 year old man raped and did all things to do with sex,  the investoer said this baby had had so much done to him, they said my daughter and the boys dad don't need to know everything that happened to Isaiah, case they couldn't handle it. They issued a warrant for the man Friday the 13 th and they have not picked this man up. My little grandson tried to hang hisself and my daughter got to him and told him he could kill him and don't do it again, he told my daughter, his grandma that he want's to go and live with Jesus. That man has done so much to Isiah that he wants to live with Jesus, and he has vernal warts all around his bottm, An STD from that sorry man, and will have to be on valtrax for the rest of his littlle

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I am so sorry to hear about this. Lord Jesus, I pray that you will help this baby and his parents to heal from what this man has done to this child. I know that you have judgement reserved for one that would hurt a little one such as this. I pray that you heal little Isaiah in such a way Lord that no scars are left behind emotionally, mentlally, physically, and spiritually. All things are possible with you. Heal the family in this way also Lord. In Jesus holy name I ask these things. Amen.
thank everyone that is praying the Blood of Jesus and I know if God can heal my daughters stomach to keep from the drs' from giving my daughter an abortion,instead Jesus made Elijah healty


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