Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

PLEASE BE PRAYING!!! Prayer request for blocking of adultery/death of devil's plans.

PLEASE PRAY WITH ME EVERY DAY. I STAND STILL IN FAITH KNOWING I WILL SEE THE SALVATION OF THE LORD! My wife Sarah left me in Miami, went back to kansas city, in march 09' and divorced me last August 2. Pray for Sarah's TRUE salvation, COMPLETE utter conviction, and forgiveness towards me. Pray God would send her angels & workers. Pray that ALL false relationships/friendships would NEVER develop & be BLOCKED/DESTROYED forever! PLEASE PRAY THAT she'll stop dating & talking to false Christian guys. PRAY FOR OUR MARRIAGE TO BE RESTORED IN JESUS NAME! We have a 2 year old son, Tristan. Pray for his protection. PLEASE pray that ALL plans of the devil/divorce will DIE in the name of Jesus!!! PRAY FOR A MIRACLE! PRAY FOR AN ANGEL TO SHOW UP IN SARAH'S ROOM!! I DECLARE HER SOUL SAVED & MY SON RESCUED FROM EVIL! THIS IS ALL OUT SPIRITUAL WAR! PLEASE PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS OVER MY SON & I !!!

Things were going better with Sarah even emailing me out of the blue that she wanted to work on our friendship. She also invited me over to her parents for Easter dinner and got me to plan a Disney world trip in July. But she recently told me she went out on a date with a divorced Christian man with 4 kids. Please pray for utter destruction/blocking of this potential adultery in Jesus name. Other men she saw recently were miraculously & completely broken off of her after I and others came against them violently in prayer. Nothing is impossible for God! Please pray also because I am having murderous thoughts of wanting to kill this guy she's seeing even though God has miraculously broken these things up so many times before.


I plead the blood of JESUS & pray that this man will feel sick with guilt and conviction and that he will stop even talking to Sarah IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Videos of my son Tristan:

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Thanks and God bless you Solael above & beyond for keeping this in prayer. I think she went camping with my son and this man today. PRAY IT WILL RAIN AND THUNDER & LIGHTNING IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!! I COMMAND THIS FALSE ADULTEROUS EVIL TO DIE IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH! PLEASE WARN THIS MAN LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I prayed prayers like this before and two tornadoes almost formed over the court house a year ago. Unfortunately, weird as it is, my friend accidentally prayed the twisters away because of how close it was to him. Another time I prayed for justice with fire in my words a few months back and a 5.6 Oklahoma earthquake swayed Kansas City where I was. We are fire breathing warriors in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! This may sound crazy but I've seen it with my own eyes. The violent really do take it by force. Tired of weak, pansy Christians telling me to give up, etc. Just sayin.

Amen. Justice against what is being done to stop it & disrupt it. Not prayers to hurt people. That's what I pray for.

Thank you for praying. Mis-lead and misinformed well meaning Christians telling me to give up. And the devil putting thoughts of not speaking up against this adultery, etc. in my head. This is sick. I have a right to fight for what is right and what is right for my son. I've already decided to take action if something is not done about this. Not going to elaborate. But one thing for sure is that I will raise what really is "hell" in whatever church this guy is going to to tell that pastor, etc. to warn this man about adultery. God id NOT okay with it. Judgment is coming to nation by God's complete removal of protection. Enough is ENOUGH!!!!!!!

I don't care how many well meaning Christians keep telling me to give up. Literally one just told me a few mins ago. If it needs to be JUSTICE so I somehow get full custody of my two year old son Tristan then so be it but this needs to stop now. The devil is a liar. Please pray for complete utter conviction on this mis-lead man. I don't have a name. Just know that he's an accountant. I prayed violently against men she was seeing before recently and one was amazingly and miraculously broken off of her the next day & another one literally got lost on the way to see her for lunch. God isn't listening and give up? Yeah okay. Whatever. PLEASE PRAY. God bless.

Hello My Brother you need to Pray on this and give it to God. He said cast all our cares upon him.


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