Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Hello Saints,

I was wondering if you all wouldn't mind praying for Bernard's aunt Penny who has back surgery this coming Monday.

And if you could also pray for my Aunt Dottie who is struggling with vertigo and severe anxiety. Please pray for her healing.

Thank you so much and God bless you all.


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I will pray for her healing

praying for the both of them GOD Bless you.
Touching and agreeing, Dear Abba, maker of heaven and earth, Creator of all man, you who forms the heavens and set your stars as precious jewels in the firmament about our heads for your glory. Your tender mercies endure forever, your lovingkindnesses are unspeakable. We beseech you for the spleen of Sister Penny, we ask for the power of your glory, for every tendon and muscle, placing the disks as you've formed them in your perfection. Halleluyah El Shaddai, increase and multiply, that your healing, hand be seen. Your fresh water down her back, and the precious stripe you took be made manifest by your word, for these things shall never go void. We glorify you in praise, knowing that you will guide the hands of the men you have divinely supplied to tend her. For these things we worship in your presence, bow down before your glory. In Adonai Yahoshua (Jesus) name we ask for these supplications, and in your Mighty and adored name YHVH Elohiym we pray, and say Thank you! Sealing this prayer with the power of your Kingdom, which reigns forever and ever, let these things be so.


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