Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

I am writing to ask for a prayer request in regard to a man named Bill. Please pray with me for his salvation, and for those in his life who don’t know Jesus, or how much He truly loves them. I am not in a position to witness to this man personally, but others have been contacted to this regard. Please ask the Lord to extend His spirit to facilitate and lead a conversational witness through anyone whom He may choose. Please ask God to extend His grace toward Bill, doing everything needed to chase him, overcome his pride, lift the veil from his eyes, bring conviction to his heart and show him his need for a Savior. Like us all, Bill has made some mistakes, and has unfortunately had some tragic things to happen in his life. I fear his heart has hardened. He, and his loved ones need knowledge about God's love, His grace, His glory, His offer of forgiveness, healing, deliverance, and protection--especially now because at this time Bill needs release from addictive vulnerabilities, depression, and is in danger of influence by unbelievers (who also need prayer) whose worldly beliefs stand in opposition to God's word. Please ask the Lord to surround Bill with believers who can minister to him, and that He may use the challenges Bill has endured to further the kingdom and lead him to salvation; then, that others will see and also be pointed to Christ by what God does in Bill's life.


In His mercies,
Sarah S.

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Father God I ask that you save, heal, deliver and set free Bill right now. Father I ask that you bless Sis Sarah for standing in the gap. Have your way in this situation. You will must be done. Father, I ask that you place your edge of protectation around these your children. I ask you to keep your promise to meet our needs. You tell us to cast our cares on you so this is what we are doing right now. In your son Jesus' name Amen.

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