Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

She has a very seldom illnes.The muscles and nerves in the neck,throuth
is damadge, and she has spasm and hard to breath.Pray that Jesus heals her and make her whole.She is only 23 years and she havent eat normal food for 2 years.thank you.

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Amen.Thank you Brother, and God bless you!
Touching and agreeing with the saints, in the name of Adonai Jesus, for your word is unshakable, your compassion from everlasting to everlasting. Emit your glory Abba as in the days of old, transforming muscle and tissue, veins and nerves. Restore her breath with your pnuema, that mighty wind that harbors your Spirit. Its with your Spirit and your word, that we speak and declare these things asking for your manifested presence in her life. For you never change, are forever faithful. For this we praise you, for your Holiness and your mighty power unto all men that love you, even unto the third and fourth generation,,, glory to your holy name!!! Its in the power of Adonai Jesus name we make this request and acknowledge your greatness, and in the name of the Almighty Father of all, Hayah YHVH, we pray and give you thanks, Halleluyah, Halleluyah, Halleluyah, and Amen!
Amen.Thank you.Glory to Jesus, and God bless you!
Dear Lord you love this child. The blood of Jesus from the top of her head to the bottom of her toes. Send your healing angles to her Lord. You took sickness to the cross Lord. You defeated sickness by your blood Lord. Let heavens power flow all thr her body Lord. I speak to the sickness and tell it go in Jesus name and never return. Aman Thank You Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amen.Jesus is alive and do His works yesterday, today and forever..God bless you!

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Guardians Tag MinistryHeavenly Father God frist of all I just what to say thank you we ask that you heal her in Jesus mighty name.Amen Jesus Name! God bless you!
Father God I ask that you touch this young lady,heal her every where she hurt according to your promise in Jesus name I ask amen
Amen.Jesus bless you!!


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