Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Please pray for mike service ,the Lord to intervene in his family,her step Daughter Nyasha is telling a lot of lies,they want to bring changes against mike and take him to court,they want mike to leave the house,
The girl is very rude,and spoiling,so break any demonic spirit,powers that wants mike's family to be destroyed and to loose his house!!

Join me in Jesus name..pray...pray pray until things happen in Jesus name!!!

Father in Jesus supreme name I humble myself before you right now,i want to thank you for your love,grace,mercy and compassion that you have upon us today and every day...the bible says it is because you loved us so much “John 3:16” that you gave us your only begotten son Jesus,He died for us and promoted,we are allowed to come before you boldly, in faith knowing,and believing that all our sins are forgiven,i thank you for your blood of love that you shade for us...Hallelujah,my God I thank you too for all you keep on doing for all those who love you,that you do renew their strength everyday,and cause them mount up like eagles oh my God.....Now father I want to thank you for all promises you have for us,Jeremiah 33:3” Says Call and i{You-GOD} will answer you(Us)” and that you will shows {us} great and might things that nobody knows amennn.. now in Jesus name I believe it ,that now you will/have shown us... and all glory and praises remains yours and victory ours in Jesus name...

The bible says in the book of Isaiah 65:21-24 it speaks all about that we shall build our house and nobody else will inherit,our vineyards too my God,i lift your name because, it also speaks strongly to us that even before we pray you will meet our needs, you will answer,even before we tell you our needs you will answer oohhhhhh Jesus my precious great God now I speak it and believe in it ,they are our promises and the bible says heaven and earth shall pass away but your only word amennn will never pass awayyyyyyyyyy now intervene to mikes family Lord my God there is know mountain that is bigger than you my lord let now this mountain melt before us,let it be seen seen or heard any more in Jesus greatest name,i pray that no weapon that Nyasha is setting using evil and demonic words against mike will prosper,the Bible says in the book of I Isaiah 54:17 that no weapon fashioned against us will prosper,the bible says{YOUR WORD} and this promise is of the servants of the Lord amen I uplift him now to you ,no far distance in the field of prayers,i pray and cancel all weapons in the name of Jesus ....amennn....spoken words by that girl and any other person who is associated with this issue that tries to Jesus name,have your way oh dear lord,holy spirit of God take control now...i say now oh now Abba father in Jesus name!!

Father I pray that you deliver Nyasha from speaking spoil to others I pray through the conviction of the sweet Holy spirit of God,i lift her mind soul and spirit before you lord take control I pray for salvation,Deliverance etc... in Jesus name...i know you have heard and your answer Lord is already with us and nothing wrong is going to happen to mike and the family and their house in Jesus name ....oh hallelujah..oh hallelujah,thank you Jesus for positive information from mike -family- issues in Jesus name!

Through faith I pray quoting your word -”Hebrew 11:6” you are a rewarder of those who diligently seek unto you ,you answered prayer of ,Elias,Daniel,Hannah,David ,among others in the bible and you have been answering us everyday, and so you have done to us your will even today in Jesus name is done!!

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thank you all so much for your prayers yesterday i just cried out for a miricale that God would intervene and get nyashas attention i remember thinking she does not see how she opens herslf up to attack from the enermy
then she was late home from school and i was starting to be concerned then a knock came on the door she had been knocked off her bike she has bruises graices and a fractured arm in plaster for the holidays


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