Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

I  ask for prayer for myself, I have health issues that are continueing to grow and grow. I am a at a point, I know I need to ask for prayer. Everytime I go to the doctor's something else is added. I was in active addiction for 35 yrs. I know thier are consquences behind all you do. I"m trusting God for healing. I still have work to do for God. Today instead of doing drugs, God has given me the mission of helping other's go to treatment. The devil is made and the warfare is sometimes strong. So please keep me in prayer. Thank you all for  your prayer's and support.

Love: Minister Toni Williams

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Praying the will of God be done. Who's report are you going to believe. Begin to speak life instead of death and watch God work in your life. God has already done the healing he is only waiting on you to begin to speak it into exhistance. You were a addict but with the deliverance of God and his salvation you are a new creature. You have to put your flesh under subjection of the healing power of the father. When he called you he left a thorn and that thorn is to remind you of where he brought you from not to put you in the bondage of defeat, self doubt and negativity. Be strong trust in the Lord which cometh your help. I stand with you that God's be done and manifested in every area of your life. In Jesus Name Amen!

i will pray for you my friend i know all about pain and about the things we go throught because drugs and what we did to our selfs but imso glad that i know my god and he will help as we are his his childer so keep the faith god loves us,,,GOD BLESS YOU ....IRMA...
It is well with you .Our good God will heal you and always be by your said in Jesus name we pray Amen.
Toni William I know that you have faith in God and I have gone through your problem since yesterday and I will like to show you something to do and after reading this mail you are to do it.
look for a water inside a cup after reading pray a simple prayer and drink it because I have prayed for you already.
I am praying for you to day that every power of principalities fighting your destiny is totally brought into captivity as from today in your life in Jesus wonderful name, and every power of sickness find in your body. I stand against that power as from now begin to go out of you quickly without delay because strangers hear me wherever am speaking and they will begin to lose their footrests and when I say go they must obey (Ps 18:45) by the reason of the anointing in me, for He has sent me to do so.I there for relise anointing of healing upon now be free in Jesus name\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.
Pastor Isaac otobong.
God Bless You: Pastor Isaac otobong
Thank you, for the prayer. I went back on Friday and my ensyemes were alot more at the normal count. I know that it was the prayers of the righteous. Continue to pray for me and I will do the same for you.


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