Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

I'm the second eldest of ten girls,my mother is no longer living ,I have a set of twin sisters that are heavily involved in drugs,they were once beautiful girls but as the years go on they are wilthering away.If my mother was a live it would kill her to see them,as a sister I've done everything i can do,it's not only hurting them but it's tearing our family apart, my eldest sister and myself were once drug users but with the help of the Lord i've almost found my way back to him,because our mother was a praying down south woman so everytime i thought of her i pulled myself away from the thought of touching or tasting drugs.I got to tell somebody because it's heavy on my heart,and i don't know what to do.I have a son and because of what he saw us do he's now on drugs and it's killing me because i know it's partly my fault.Right now i'm raising his fifteen year old son because he don't have the mind to do it hisself.He's not crazy or nothing he's married and raising 3 children that are not his and 2 children that suppose to be his by his wife,but will not raise the son I have by another girl.I pray that someone takes the time to read this because i don't know how much more i can stand,and yes i know Jesus won't put no more on me than I can stand but i'm at my breaking point.My mother raised us by her lonesome and since i'm now a mother I don't see how she did it,I'm glad she did'nt have to raise us in this day and time because as strong as she was I don't think she could have handled it. What i'm asking is that ya'll pray for me and my family there's eight of the ten living and the devil is whipping all of us to death.

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Sis Lillie, Yes, its correct, you need to tell somebody to pray for all this situation. Bible said "carry each other's burden and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ (Gal 6:2).We will keep you and your family in our prayers. Please dont worry much, have faith in Christ. Thanks for sharing all your burdens and please update us.

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Praying for you and yours in the mighty Name Of Jesus. Amen

To God be the Glory, God will deliver your family from addiction. He has done for me and my two children. I speak healing and deliverance over them, right now in the Name of Jesus.I plead the blood over them, I ask God to take the taste and desire from them.Continue to call on Jesus, He will take care of our burden's. Amen
Love: Minister Toni Williams


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