Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

This is list 2

Carl Bauer- throat cancer,

Bobby Silvey of North Carolina- luekemia, needs bone marrow transplant,
Juanita Fruge of Louisiana, Pat Marshall of Texas- cancer,
little girl Riden- cancer,
Ed Darwin- bladder cancer,

Georgene White- brain tumor, had surgery which removed 80% of it,

Hikmiye- cancer in large intestine with no money for proper treatments,
Danny Ussery- cancer,
Diana M.'s friend Pam- cancer,
Linda Benham-cll and n-h lymphoma,
and her nephew- lung and brain cancer,
Emmanuel McLeggan- cancer,

Beth Cornell- possible pelvic cancer is back,(update- not cancer, just a vein problem)

Doris Bledsoe's brother, Richard- carcinoma cancer of the kidney, and needs to be saved,

Tonya's 2 year old neice, Kate- cancer,
Debra Gray's father- cyst on kidney, her step mother Mary Lou- Liver cancer
Gary T.- cancer
David Pasquinelli- leiomyosacomma

Faye Maynard- Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML),(update- now in remission thank you Father)

Christy Carrizoza- breast and lymph node cancer stage 4,(update)
a golfball size tumor was found on her thyroid.(UPDATE- these are now in remission! Thank you Father! Something the doctors did not think could happen.
However a tumor was found on her chest wall. We continue to pray)

L.T. Clark- cancer that has spread,

and we pray for the cure

Thanks for helping me pray.
If any names need to be added to the list, let me know.
Ken O.

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