Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Prayer partners, please pray for my present financial situation...


I am a caregiver, I had been giving care to a lady for past 6 yrs in my home. I had to for the past 3 yrs allow my grown daughter to return home with my 3 grand children due to their displacement. My mother (89) is first stage Alzheimer and has 5 children 4 of which cannot help in her care (or financially, they say) so I took her home with me (gladly). She began to elope so I had to place her in nursing home for 2 months. It took 2 months for me realize they were going to kill my mother. I went and brought her back home. The agency I worked for realized I had my mother in my home and they took my consumer (after 6 yrs). This left me with a new home and new car(which I prayed for to accommodate my mother)  and NO INCOME...all of a sudden. I know this is just a test of my faith and GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME and WHAT GOD HAS FOR ME IS FOR ME...

Friends, just pray my strength in the Lord and agree with me during my test.

I pray for you and you pray for me...

Thank you one and all...



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Thank you, Guardian
Yes, sis I will be praying for your financial situation.

Praise God and thank you. Well, God is good and I will praise Him til my blessing comes down...yesterday the system cut my Mother's SSI and Medicaid off, because I took her out of the system (nursing home) where they had deteriorated her in just the 2 months she was there. And brought her home with me, (unemployed) because she is living in my home she no longer qualifies for her entitled assistance such as her day program, where she goes to socialize daily with other seniors etc.

You pray for us and we will pray for you...

God Bless you,

Thank pray for me and I will pray for you, AMEN!!!


Thank you, my sister in pray for me and I will pray for you!!! AMEN...
Thank you, my sister in Christ...
Thank you, I RECEIVE THIS confirmation in the name of Jesus...AMEN


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