Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Please pray for our sister in Christ - Sharon Luanne Rivera - who is suffering from gall bladder issues and other attacks from the enemy of our souls.  Healing and restoration for Sharon's spirit, soul, and body, in Jesus' name.  All that the enemy is using for evil be turned to good for Sharon Luanne Rivera and her family - and the blood of the Lamb of God cover her from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet, ss&b, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit surround our sister - her shield of faith, the faith of the son of God. Thank you Jesus - Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen = 5 = Grace.

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mat 4;23 b said he heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.
True, the challenge is 'believing as a child of God' not as your mind has been programmed world wise.  Prayer is a weapon for the true believer - and can assist in covering people as they walk through their valley's of the shadow of death. The bible states throughout the old and new testament about the power of belief - and the results.  In these days, in this time - as one believes is key to receiving healing or not.  Which is why the request for prayer - to lay a foundation of humility and grace by the leading of the Holy Spirit so that our sister Sharon Luanne may cross over into the light and be made free and set free.
Dear Lord, thank You are your protection, thank YOu Lord for supplying all our needs, thank You Lord that even when we know not what to pray Jesus is seated at Your right side interceeding on our behalf, so Lord we trust you with our life, thank you that You are a merciful God and You are doing a mighty thing for sister Sharon, we are believing You Father for the outcome, Your love can not be measured and we know You have the power, Your voice can be heard in the storms if we just listen, we thank you we bless Your holy name, You are everything to us Lord...thank You that everything will alright...praise You Jesus name...amen!!!


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