Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

To everyone who know how to get a prayer through, my prayer request is for my family to continue in the direction GOD wants us to take & prayer for myself as well.  As I move forward in GOD he is sending more of his people my way & sometimes I second guess myself.  I know GOD is sending them but I sometimes ask why me when I am still growing myself.  I find myself praying & reading verses to them, crying with them & loving on them, yet still I am wondering why me LORD?  Still growing myself I wonder at times am I ready?  I love GOD so much & will not give up never just want to do what's right & do it under the his anointing.

God Bless You, Sister Tammy

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I do know where you are, my sister; I have found myself there many times - especially as God grows me and anoints me and leads and guides me into true authority - which is laying down my life, including my 'doubts' and saying as JESUS prayed in the garden - NOT MY WILL, ABBA GOD, BUT YOUR WILL BE DONE.

I pray that you cast all of your care upon the Lord God, who is Love and trust in the Lord God with ALL your heart - I pray that second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year you, sister Tammy, bring every thought in your mind into captivity to the obedience of Christ - the anointed one/anointing - who/which breaks any and all yokes that are trying to bind you to 'doubt' and 'fear' and anything else - and as the Son SETS YOU FREE you are free indeed.  

I pray for the blood of the Lamb of God slain from before the foundation of the world, the blood of Jesus cover you, spirit-soul (emotions, thoughts)-body - and keep you safe and that you would Trust in the Lord more and more and lean NOT to your own understanding about anything, spiritual, soulical, physical

I pray that you would ACKNOWLEDGE the LORD GOD in ALL your ways - good, bad and ugly - and know that as you do this - the LORD GOD will DIRECT your steps.  

I pray that you know that Love is God and God is Love - and God/Love never leaves or forsakes you - and that you learn in trusting the Lord to be still and know the voice of the Holy Spirit.  For as the Lord God who is All in All - is TRUTH, and the  truth makes you as in shapes you and forms you, free - I pray that the Joy of the Lord, the Joy unspeakable and full of Glory fill you to overflowing.

Peace, my sister in Christ

In Je'sus name I pray - Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen = 5 = GRACE

So Be It. 

Thanks so much Dr. Williams & I recieve every word!!! Bless U!!!


Hello Sister Tammy we will Pray for you and your Family.

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Amen, will pray for your sister.
Thank u Ministery I appreicate it tell 1st Lady hi 4 me..Huggs!! :D
my sister in Christ...God says you are ready, thats why the people are coming...God put you where you are to bless you and strengthen you right where you Him for He is with you always, even until the end of time...TRUST IN HIM for the outcome,

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