Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

in need of prayer for my two sons kevin and ruddymaldonado they are both in prison and in teh hole for a fight, this is the time when God could talk to my two  beutiful boys  19 and 18 and realize that teh only trusted friend that tehy have is Jesus, may God protect them and show them teh light and teh right path to take in life, so tehy could be able to understand teh consecuenses of their acts and reconstruct their lifes for teh better by serving the comunnity and and teh church with young juviniles that are commintten teh same crimes, God knows that our visions and our paryer would be answer if we all get together in one requesting this prayer amen, tahnk you

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I decree and declare that both of your sons are saved (for real) and that they are men of honor. I thank God in advance for the manifestation now. You have to speak though things which be not as through they were and it shall be.
Thats the word, but we have to speak out and believe as well. You be strengthen in Jesus name.

put in God hands and let him do what only he can do
Praise God; I agree with r prayer Lady G., Sis. Margarite, I honestly know how u feel cause I have a cousin on my mom's side of the family who is in jail & for how long I don't know, I also have a cousin who is in jail on my dad's side of the family, for how long I don't know but I will be praying with u & for u.


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