Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

We pray for these people...

CathyKat and her family,

Brian's father- had a stroke and is not expected to last much longer,

Lorraine Wilber- open heart surgery,
Mark parnell- diabetes complications,

Nikola Uskokovic from Montenegro- kidney failure,

Arda, blood clot in his upper back close to his neck.

Rick Washburn- lung desease,

Kellie- injured nose and shoulder,
14 year old Ryan Caskey- He has problems with both lungs, he is hyper allergenic, and he has sores covering his whole body except his face.

Karen's mom, Sandra- sickness due to a cyst,
13 year old Zechariah Odell - holes in liver, epileptic , and autism,
Zechariah Odell's mom dad and 2 brothers have a wide variety of sicknesses and illnesses,

Carol Moore- bad health,
Nadejda Tuchilatu, Romana- severe depression,

Gary Milarch's sister Lois- SEPTIS(is fine now, praise God!)

34 year old Dioni- financial trouble and kidney failure,
Kristy Hilton- Hepatitis C,
.Roger Rhodus- is going to have an aorta bypass and needs to be saved,

Leilani Deaver's mother- numb from knees down with a sore that won't heal and is

Chip's mother-in-law- Margorie she had 2 major surgeries in the last year,
Carol's husband Bobby- Parkinson's disease,
Ruth Choat heart surgery,
Wilbur Roane- Parkinson's Disease,
anonymous (You Know who)- MS- Multiple Sclerosis,

......and others that we do not know about.

Thanks for helping me pray.
Let me know if anyone needs to be added to the list.
Ken O.

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Lord, I pray that you will touch each of these individuals with your healing power, in the Mighty Name of Jesus who can heal all manner of disease. Thank you for the praise report Lord.

I praying for His great mercy and total healing upon all our bro and sis in Christ for His glory in Jesus. Amen.


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