Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted * , and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.
Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;
Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
Matthew 9.

Dear Abba, we cry and petition you for your glory that was prepared from the beginning, we know that your mercy and grace for us is unending, it is eternal for them that love you and that are called according to your purpose. For this Father Abba we pray and lift up our voices for your labourers, asking for forgiveness in any areas that we have fallen short of. Heal us and repair the wounds the enemy has bestowed. If there is anything that is not of you or like you, repentance is always nigh, and we turn back to seek you face. Not leaning to our own understanding but acknowledging that you alone are faithful. Fill us with your compassion for your sheep, the people that you have so sacrificed for, even to the laying down of your life. We stand as you stood before those people long ago, hearing pain and seeing suffering O' dear Abba such a great need! It's with a shout we praise you and lift up your name inquiring for your knowledge and your wisdom for you said, that if we lacked knowledge to ask you, you promised Most Holy to grant it unto us liberally. We need wisdom as you heard from Solomon the son of David and your servant, to remain humble before you, to be used for your glory and your name sake, to comfort your people, Offering the sacrifice of a thousand burnt offering by your spirit that intercedes for us with groaning that cannot be uttered. Your Word must go forth with boldness in truth, for we are ambassadors in bonds. Make the Spirit of your truth our very refuge. Clean us and purify us, even cleansing us with hyssop that we may be clean. O' dear Abba we need you! We beseech you! Knowing there is one Spirit, and one church, one Elohiym (God) and our great and Mighty Savior Yashua (Jesus) Messiah. We thank you our Adonai, our King! Crying Halleluyah and Hosanna for your enduring mercy. Yes for it's in your Divine Name we ask these things, and in the name of the Almighty Hayah YHVH, we pray and thank you! We love you Father! We need you Adonai Jesus! For the riches of your glory and by the power of your Spirit we decree and declare, speak, move and have our being.
Halleluyah, Halleluyah, Halleluyah and Amen!

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Thank you for this lovely prayer.It is in deed a blessing for me to receive such awesome powerful word in a time when I myself is needing more of the Master.
Thank u for this prayer
I bless the Lord for you because that prayer was very much needed for me and may God, bless you with his riches in every area of your life first Spiritual, and that all of your needs shall be supplied. God Bless You.
Thank you for this prayer my Sister in Christ


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