Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Please pray for me and my daughter need financial breakthrough and protection - thank you.

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Morning Prayer, Hedge of Protection Prayer
Father, I come in the name of Jesus to plead His blood on my life and on all that belongs to me, and on all over which You have made me a steward. I plead the blood of Jesus on the portals of my mind, my body (the temple of the Holy Spirit), my emotions, and my will. I believe that I am protected by the blood of the Lamb which gives me access to the Holy of Holies.
I plead the blood on my children, on my grandchildren and their children, and on all those whom You have given me in this life.
Lord, You have said that the life of the flesh is in the blood. Thank You for this blood that has cleansed me from sin and sealed the New Covenant of which I am a partaker.
In the name of Jesus i pray,
Based on a prayer written by Joyce Meyer in The Word, the Name and the Blood (Tulsa: Harrison House, 1995).

Instructions: Put anyone’s name or your name in the blank spaces in the below-mentioned prayer.
Hedge of Protection
Father, in the name of Jesus, we lift up __________ to You and pray a hedge of protection around him/her. We thank You, Father, that You are a wall of fire round about __________ and that you set Your angels round about him/her.
We thank You, Father, that __________ dwells in the secret place of the Most High and abides under the shadow of the Almighty. We say of You, Lord, You are his/her refuge and fortress, in You will he/she trust. You cover __________ with Your feathers, and under Your wings shall he/she trust. __________ shall not be afraid of the terror by night or the arrow that flies by day. Only with his/her eyes will __________ behold and see the reward of the wicked.
Because __________ has made You, Lord, his/her refuge and fortress, no evil shall befall him/her — no accident will overtake him/her — neither shall any plague or calamity come near him/her. For you give Your angels charge over __________, to keep him/her in all Your ways.
Father, because You have set Your love upon __________, therefore will You deliver him/her. __________ shall call upon You, and You will answer him/her. You will be with him/her in trouble and will satisfy __________ with a long life and show him/her Your salvation. Not a hair of his/her head shall perish. In the Mighty, Matchless, Magnificent Name of Jesus the Christ i pray,


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So a Seed
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