Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

1. Please pray for my friend's sister-in-law Hatti who is in Phoenix has 15 brain tumors.
They are in places that the doctors can't do anything about them.

2. God put little Ryan on my heart this morning... I haven't heard back from his father
as of yet, but could you all please pray for Ryan... last I heard he is having 30 seizures
again. The operations did nothing to help him and now even the medicines aren't
working. He needs a miracle.

3. Please continue praying for Brenda Alvarez, is a single mother and who has
lymphoma. My friend told me she isn't doing too well as she is undergoing chemo-

4. One of my neighbors discovered she has bedbugs... the exterminator came on
Tuesday and sprayed around, but since she has been staying elsewhere at the
moment, bedbugs migrate finding another host... so please pray that the bedbugs
do not get to either my elderly neighbor across the way from her or us. Pray that
the exterminate eradicates them for good, that they all die having no opportunity
of spreading to the other apartments in my building. Thank you!

4. I have a bit of a praise report... Joe O'Grady, whom I sent out an urgent prayer
request the other day, who had a fever... but needed to complete nine days of
treatments... well, thanks to God's grace and all your prayers, he made it to his
9th day!! Today is his last day of treatment. Please continue to pray that the meds
worked and the cancerous tumors are gone or small enough to operate and remove.

God bless you and thank you for all your prayers!!

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Its so sad to read about allthe sickneses that over take human beings but I know my God is able to do the impossibilities.Father right now I applaud ouy as thee Healer and mediator of us all, I stand on behalf of these people for whom prayer is requested. I know God that you are able to do all things I am asking for your intervention in these cases. If it is Your will work a work in Jesus Name.Amen.

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Guardians Tag Ministry In the mighty name of Jesus.Amen


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