Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Hello prayer warriors
We was just informed that Missionary Deloresa R. is in the hospital in intensive care this is all the information we have at this time one of her sisters from her church informed us today. no one can call her but her family so please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

If you would like to go to her page Click Here

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I sure will do that!!
Thanks for informing us about this. Please keep us updated...
will do
My prayers are with you Deloresa.

Our Father which art in heaven, we come with glory and praise into your Holy presence, to petition you for one of our own, your daughter. We come already knowing that as we speak you are meeting her needs for you said that you knew what we had need of even before we ask or even think it. And glorify and thank you Father for your goodness and mercy that sustains us, each and everyone. Touch her with your loving and comforting presence. Manifest yourself my Adonai in this season. That you may be seen more profoundly in this place, halleluyah, Meet not only our sisters needs but also that of her family, the doctors that you created for your children, each and every attendant that will minister unto her, for you our Adonai are the Ellohaynoo (God) of all flesh. We thank you! we worship you, knowing that truly there is nothing to hard for our Elohiym. For she will glorify and praise you before your people and you shall be honoured the way you deserve and every voice shall be lifted up at your beauty! Halleluyah, in the name of Adonai Jesus, we ask and in the Almighty name of the Father, YHVH ROPHI, we pray and give thanks, Halleluyah, Halleluyah, Halleluyah and Let it be so! So it be declared in the spirit and manifested in the natural by thy power! Amen!

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Father in the mighty, matchless name of Jesus!!!!! I ask that you touch your faithful servant Doloresa! Lord, I ask that you heal her body!!! I ask that you touch every tissue, every muscle, every organ, and I command with the authority you have placed in me, that her body function as you created it to function!!! Lord, I ask that you dispatch her angels around her bedside, and I ask that you touch the doctors, the nurses, and anyone who comes in contact with sister Dolresa! I ask as I type this prayer, that it is a change in her condition NOW! Lord, I am standing and leaning and depending on you to bring sister Delrosea out!!!! Lord, you know she didnt miss a day doing your will!!! I ask you to bless and reward her according to your will, and her work!!! Lord, I am using my right now faith, believing you are going to bring her out right now!!!!!! In Jesus' name-amen!!!!! The prayers of the righteous availeth much!!!! AND IT IS SO!!!!!
In agreement in JESUS name

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I pray that Gods will be done in her. I pray for a speedy recovery.
Heavenly Father GOD cover my sister with your blood heal her we Pray you know she is truly a servant of yours and a blessing to your minisrty and very muched loved in JESUS name we ask in JESUS name we pray,AMEN

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