Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Dear Brothers and sisters.
Kindly keep my friends and families in your prayers and thoughts.
Thank you.
God Bless.
1)    Bob Pate.
He has bad arthritis, breathing difficulty, diabetic and now prostate cancer.
2)    Jeanette Rothwell
Her grandson has cerebal palsy and has to undergo surgery again.
3)    Paul Nooja
He has Lymphedema is that it is frequently mis-diagnosed, is hereditary and always in pain and incurable.
4)    Cathy's husband Carl.
Carl had leukemia and is still hanging there and no changes in him.
5)    Tammy Oestreich
She had disk degeneration and  bulging disks and is seeing a spine specialist, in extreme pain, on pain pills all the time and on medication, financial problems too, to get treated.

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Father Godin the name of your Son Jesus I ask you to touch each and every one of these your children heal them every where they hurt according to your word in Jesus name amen


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